FM moments...


New Member
Jan 26, 2008
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Hey all!

So for those of us that use FM systems, or have in the past we all have at least one FM related story. This is the place to share!

My best FM story is from 6th grade. It was lunch time and my teacher had forgot to turn off the FM. Her husband had come to eat lunch with her and I could hear them talking about what they want to do that night (you all know what I mean) I was just just outside the classroom window at recess and ran towards the doors to go in and tell her to turn off the FM. The teacher on yard duty stopped me and made me explain why I needed to go in. I tried to explain without saying in and I think the teacher on duty got the implied message and let me go in. When I made it the class room and said "turn off the FM!" frantically, my teacher looked at me-looked at the FM-looked at me, quickly turned it off and turned BRIGHT red. It was a moment that we NEVER spoke about again...hahaha

So What are your FM moments?
haha aww thats pretty good!! lol
I member last year my teacher was sick and he kept on making these weird noises..and i was like um...sir could u keep ur bodily functions down a bit..he laughed..another time the same teacher went to his office (beside the class) and started tkn to me..but i totally forgot he was in the other room and answered him back, and all my friends were staring at me funny. My friends use to take my reciever sometimes too and when i went to the br down the hall they wud start singing n stuff or saying jokes n i'd laugh out loud to myself..and ppl would stare at me lke i was wacko lmao...thats bout all i got haha nothing tooo funny....
haha i dont know about any specific memories. i just know that my teachers always left the class and went to the bathroom all the time without removing it, and i'd tell my friends what they were doing and we'd giggle over it. (hey i was like 8 or 9). sometimes i'd give the mic to my friends during P.E. and they'd walk across the other side of the field and pretend to be telemarketers and try to sell me things or tell me jokes in funny accents. having an FM was fun times while they still worked for me!
Lol I don't know if this is FM moment but when I had FM when I was really young it was this old fashioned neck loop and I never used it to listen I always play with it by holding loop right next to my hearing aid cuz it would makes airplane engine noise and in recess when teacher forgot to take it off I'll pretend to fly around like I was airplane haha
Lol I don't know if this is FM moment but when I had FM when I was really young it was this old fashioned neck loop and I never used it to listen I always play with it by holding loop right next to my hearing aid cuz it would makes airplane engine noise and in recess when teacher forgot to take it off I'll pretend to fly around like I was airplane haha

That's pretty good! Glad to hear you have good imagination.

I do have one FM moment I remember. I would use FM during church. I would ask the preacher to wear it for me so I could hear better. I gave it to a good friend that was supposed to preach and he is a very good singer. Anways, after he was done speaking and we were singing. I started to turn off the FM on my hearing aid and that is when I realized he was sing bass. He sounded great so I left it on and listened to him sing. I really enjoyed that.
I can't think of any specific FM moments that has stuck with me.. and I've worn FMs since preschool... although I didn't always wear the FM in high school (just too weird of a setting, and the FM never helped much for that setting so I said "screw it" and was done).
Same with me Meggers....................Although I do remember wearing those awful, awful body worn FM devices with that oh so sexy harness.............ICK!!!