Flirt advice

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Nov 20, 2006
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I know, I might be blushing but going to be tough this time. I am curious, esp you women and men, what's the best thing about flirting? How can you tell when you flirt someone? You guys, know what I mean.

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I have always been too shy to flirt with someone who I didnt know. Once I get to know the person and if there is attraction, I will flirt.I am very reserved when I meet new people.

I cant remember what I did when flirting. All I know that I just be myself not someone else.
Touch someone's hand to let this person to know that you like him/or her. :)
I only flirt if I'm very comfortable with a person...and that doesn't happen often. The nice thing about flirting is there are limits. The bad thing is- some guys might misunderstand or get the wrong message or accuse me of sending mixed signals if they want to take it further than just flirting (and I don't). That's why I don't flirt that's not really in my personality. I am a very affectionate person - and I have to remind myself not everyone likes to be touched.
I was told if you are playing with your hairs.. u are flirting with that guy. there are so many signals that you are flirting.. i have forgotten how to flirt.. LOL.. :P
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