Flame Warz Forum


New Member
Mar 27, 2003
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If some people could say a bad words, dirty words, and others about story on this forum then, the moderators can allow people to talking about little problem on this forum as not much too. I saw those staff can accept that people can talking about little problem as "Flame Warz" from other sites. Should we put on a new forum or not? If you say "No" then, tell me the reason.
The reason why we don't permit it is because it gets out of control very easily. suppose, a post is made unintentionally... and it offends another member. It will create some unwanted tensions between those two members. It passes on to another thread and people start bending the rules a bit so they secretly flame others until it gets out of control. By the end, everyone hates each other and threads get ruined. The quote "flame war" is like fire... it's best not to allow it to start. You light a match. Someone gets upset, so they snap back... pouring gasoline into this fire. Soon, we've got a fire that's out of control and us moderators have to come in to stop it. Yes, it's stopped... but has the tension between those member stopped? There are a lot of things that can happen from simple flame wars and this isn't exactly a good place to have them.
:gpost: I agreed with Vampy 200% on this....

While back, one member here had created a thread of wanted a Ranting/Vent Forum here in AD, there were serveral members who wanted it and serveral members who didn't wanted it....That thread became flame and several people end up getting hurt ....I for one don't want to be part of something like this and sure don't want to see anyone getting hurt....I just think it not worth having something like this here in AD....

People do have feelings and the owner of AD does care greatly about his members' feelings...I don't want to see AD turning upside down and having members hating one other or start a big war in here...

So, my opinion on having a ' Flame war Forum ' here in AD is a big no-no :nono: ...

I'm sorry :aw:
My answer is big NO. :nono: Don't want to deal with too many locked threads in one section. If u are around AllDeaf pretty long enuff, u will uddy why.