Five Israeli Weapons of War ISIS Should Fear

a woman dropping the bombs on IS even better...these people most evil since Spanish inquisition maybe even worse
I agree Caz! Aside from the conventional, they're also fielding a strong triad deterence. F-16I (to be replaced by F-35A), Jericho ballistic missiles, cruise missile armed Dolphin class submarines, all nuclear capable.
world not safe place,People who live life in barbaric ways of medieval times have potential of nukes and they class music and cameras from devil.
I traveling through London next week 2 big London train stations and deep down you have uneasy feeling then see armed cops walking about.
hundreds of people running get trains then idiot who gets prey mat out and starts praying you feel like kicking them up arse when passing but arse could be detonator but this free country and he has that right get in everyone's way and intimidate people.A moderate muslim told me just last week their greatest weapon is our freedom of speech
ISIS has not attacked Israel and Israeli target. The enemies of ISIS (Syria, Iraq, Iran) are also the enemies of Israel. Israel "bombed" Syria government facilities and destroyed Hezbollah ammunition convoys in Lebanon.