Fish with.... hands... !


Forum Disorders M.D.,Ph.D
Nov 6, 2006
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New, Pink, and Rare

Photograph courtesy Karen Gowlett-Holmes

Using its fins to walk, rather than swim, along the ocean floor in an undated picture, the pink handfish is one of nine newly named species described in a recent scientific review of the handfish family.

Only four specimens of the elusive four-inch (ten-centimeter) pink handfish have ever been found, and all of those were collected from areas around the city of Hobart (map), on the Australian island of Tasmania.

Though no one has spotted a living pink handfish since 1999, it's taken till now for scientists to formally identify it as a unique species.

The new-species determinations were made based on a number of factors, including number of vertebrae and fin rays, coloration, the presence of scales and spines, and proportional body measurements, according to review author Daniel Gledhill of Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, or CSIRO.

All of the world's 14 known species of handfish are found only in shallow, coastal waters off southeastern Australia, the review notes.

Even among the previously known species, the fish are poorly studied, the review authors add, and little is known about their biology or behavior.

(See pictures of some of the hundreds of new sea species recently found off Tasmania.)

—Carolyn Barry in Sydney

Published May 24, 2010
What is the world coming to! :wave:
oh that's the murloc
I can only imagine the evolution/creationism debate this will spark.
Obviously, evolution is starting all over again! They are the next us. :P

And they are very cute too.!
As long as there are no biblical references.. However I do recall somewhere for the sake of being fair and respect both sides, it is mentioned somewhere that the sea is of the demon's creations. :shock:

Don't tell me you don't find the last guy all fuzzy and warmy.
He could be your pet!
Now, it they could train them to do production work, we can replace the Chinese with even cheaper labor! :hmm:
Very interesting and really beautiful the way their stripes or spotted and different light colors. I don't know if they are evolved with having the mutane (not sure about spelling). I did not know they are close to Australia. You will find very rare animals or fishes or even bugs that never been discover. Naisho, thank you for showing the rare photos of this wonderful strange fishes. :)
My dad once caught a fish the had feet! But he throw back into the ocean , it freaked him out! Lucky for the fish!