first TTY call :0


Premium Member
Jan 22, 2012
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I met a new friend recently, she is an older Deaf woman, and I was surprised to find that she still uses TTY. All my Deaf friends up until now have switched over to VP, even older people. And most have cell phones for texting and/or more VP.

Anyway, I had my first TTY conversation today, talking to her, which was nice. I was at a loss a couple times though: I had no sense of how to express myself when I wanted to laugh at myself. I wasn't sure if TTY users are (in general) users of things like "lol" (which I'm not in love with anyway) or should you just have them type "haha" or do you communicate more like you're writing a letter ("I had to laugh at myself...")

I'm sure it varies from person to person too. Does anyone here use TTY, or communicate with people who do? What do you use when you want to express something like laughter?
You got me there. I used to be a TTY user for many years and stopped using it around 7 years ago. Now that you mention it, I'm thinking what did I used to say to express that it was funny or that I am laughing. Good question. I can't remember. I wish I kept my old TTY conversations. It's as if today's technology erased my TTY memories.
Thanks Botti and MangaReader. MangaReader, sorry to hear that memory is gone! Things slip away so easily.
I still use an UltraTec 1140 TTY-VCO. I don't "hear anything on the phone" when I have it VCO mode- just the Relay operator keying on the screen what the other party is saying. In Canada this is 711.

Aside: had the phone since January 1996.
further aside: Notwithstanding I have a Cochlear Implant-it doesn't pick up phone coversation. According to Sunnybrook/Toronto Cochlear Implant section- one out of two can't use their Implants on regular phones. I am not unduly concerned.
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I still have a TTY! :laugh2: I don't really use it often, but I have an uncle who is very old and still has his and uses it. Just write out your emotions like Bott demonstrated above. Say *laughing at myself* or something like that. *shrug* it always works in our conversations.... I do hate that TTY though..... takes FOREVER for a short topic! :doh:
I have a TTY, but I just use IP relay on my tablet as the paper printer on my TTY is annoying and if I need to see something on my IP relay, I just scroll back up.

I have never used a VP and don't own a cell phone, but I like TTY, but IP relay on a tablet is to me, simply the best.
I still use a UltraTech1140 TTY-VCO. I don't "hear anything on the phone" just the Relay operator keying on the screen what the other party is saying. In Canada this is 711.

Aside: had the phone since January 1996.
further aside: Notwithstanding I have a Cochlear Implant-it doesn't pick up phone coversation. According to Sunnybrook/Toronto one of two can't use their Implants on regular phones. Not unduly concerned.

Wow, I didn't know that about one in two. And it's 711 here in the U.S. as well.
I can't remember the last time I had a strictly TTY to TTY conversation. BUT I use it very frequently for Relay calls.

I think Dr. Phil and I (in different countries though) use ours in a very similar manor. My landline connects to the TTY and then the TTY is connected to a regular voice type phone. I Use "redial" to call 711 for the Illinois Relay Center. When they answer I use VCO to tell them the complete number of the person or company that I want to call. If you want to call me on my landline you just need to dial 711 and give them my full phone number. I have a "profile" setup with them so that VCO will already be on. If I have a hearing guest that wants to make a call or have someone call them here the phone part works like any other regular landline phone.

I am very glad to have a model of TTY that includes a printer. Just turn it on momentarily to take a note rather than hunt for something to write with and on. I am editor of the newsletter for my church and there was a time before just about everybody that contributes got email that I would get calls about things to put in. The CA's make great secretaries! Just turn on the printer and take it down that way as the person would read their article.
Unmentioned above- I have a service from Bell Canada-TeleMessage. Tapes all messages which I can get Relay to key whatever to me. It is part of my phone bill.

Just advise them and they access on my behalf.
aside: give number: 877 235 5777 my number 416 xxx xxxx and acess code: xxxxxx. Duly advise Relay if any telemarketing--delete without keying anything.

further aside: since January 1996. still in effect today.

further aside: can't use this computer if any unanswered call in Telemessage. Have a regular phone which blinks a red light-till answered. The TTY doesn't "blink: unless handset picked up. Thus the regular Vista phone.
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TTY is an excellent use of electronics to "deal with hearing loss/deafness" re being able to use a telephone. Thanks to the assistance of the Relay operator.

Computers are another
The above is possible if one's TTY has TEXT and the other party has a TTY with TEXT also. Just like keying on a computer. Thus one doesn't have to speak.

I am not sure how one can use ASL et all on a TTY-VCO/TEXT?

aside as mentioned above I use an UltraTech 1140 VCO/TEXT since 1996

Something new?
I have been using TTY for a very long time (sometimes after I graduated from high school) and I am so use to it. I am now 68 years old instead of 20 years old back then when I first started. I have never tried VP. I guess it is because I don't really like to change when it come to making a call on the new technology like VP or other new devices. I am still glad that the relay services are still using and not closing the relay service. If it did, then I will have to learn how to use the VP (I am ASL user). I am very comfortable typing my messages on the TTY compact device. Both Canada and USA shared the same relay phone number of 711.

I had moved from Canada to USA and the hearing relay phone numbers here are different.

I expressed what I want to say if there were laughter. I just typed "LOL" or you can typed it out like laugh out loud. Just typed you want to say with expression. That is your choice. I hope you have a good journey making conversation on the TTY directly to the Deaf person who have TTY or use relay service to communicate with hearing person who don't have a TTY. :D