First ntouch tablet/mobile, now ntouch PC


Veteran Traveler
Premium Member
Nov 21, 2013
Reaction score
This is seriously irritating..... last weekend my ntouch tablet and ntouch mobile I forgot the passwords to, and got that straightened out. Now for some reason, my laptop won't let me access ntouch PC, and I just got off ntouch tablet with Sorenson Tech Support, where they started the process of installing 135 bits of software, and we're hoping this will do the trick. We tried putting Web Installer 4.5, and that didn't work. So now we're trying this. Odd thing is, my Z5 Desktop seemed to work just fine. :hmm: Strange things, laptops.
Why are you starting a new thread on ntouch when you have other threads on this ntouch and password issues.
Wirelessly posted (ZTE X501 Phone/Asus Tablet)

MangaReader said:
Why are you starting a new thread on ntouch when you have other threads on this ntouch and password issues.

Darn me. That migraine headache of mine has me inattentive again. And it's not a password issue this time; it's a lot more serious than that.

(Hey mods! I need my ntouch threads merged please. These migraine headaches do me no favors)