First day back to school


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2012
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How did your kids do on their first day back to school?
My oldest is excited, first day of middle school and a friend from church is in her class!
My other one had a rough start; the bus driver didn't stop to pick her up, and then forgot to drop her off! Her moms boyfriend had to chase the bus down! :laugh2: She said she stood up and said "this is my house. Thius is my house!" And when he kept goind, she sat down, "Nevermind.:(" Poor girl. They also forgot to drop off another kid on her street.
:( poor thing. Mine started last week, this is my daughter's first year in middle school, my son's second. On sunday afternoon I got a phone call on my cell, I don't actually have a land line. Whenever my phone rings it throws me, I mean nobody who KNOWS me calls me, that'd just be stupid. But since it was a local call and a sunday I answered anyway. Didn't go well, gave the phone to my son and said "who is this person and what are they telling me?". it was his science teacher calling to tell me what a great kid he is. :D

I said.....oh? or is that what you're telling me she said? Did she really call to tell me you're a little shit? lol I kid. Made me very happy. granted he'd only been in her class for 3 days, so we sahll see ;)
How did your kids do on their first day back to school?
My oldest is excited, first day of middle school and a friend from church is in her class!
My other one had a rough start; the bus driver didn't stop to pick her up, and then forgot to drop her off! Her moms boyfriend had to chase the bus down! :laugh2: She said she stood up and said "this is my house. Thius is my house!" And when he kept goind, she sat down, "Nevermind.:(" Poor girl. They also forgot to drop off another kid on her street.

My oldest granddaughter started kindergarten. She is the last child to be dropped off from the bus, and arrived home in tears because she was afraid they wouldn't know where her home is.

My daughter said the rest of the first week went better than the first day. Luckily...
I am sure my grandchild did fine on her first day back to school but on the other hand I have butterflies in my stomach!!
My 2 boys are somewhat "veterans"...11 and 12th grades....but I remember well when they were in elementary school and the bus hassles....
My 2 boys are somewhat "veterans"...11 and 12th grades....but I remember well when they were in elementary school and the bus hassles....

I'm a bigger veteran, and I go back to classes on September 5th. That was a fast, crazy summer.