First daughters of Obama not vacinnated against H1N1

Reba, so with asthma it can be a toss up on getting a flu shot or not? Dependent on how severe and the kind of medication one takes? What about children with asthma?

What I'm seeing is that people will simply question the national emergency declaration on swine flu while the Obama's do not get theirs and at the same time have the Health Secretary Kathleen Sebelius say that Americans should get their swine flu vaccination are bound send a bunch of conflicting and mixed messages. The president's daughter do not need it but Health secretary says Americans should get vaccinated and she get vaccinated as well?

Sebelius: Americans should get swine flu shot - Swine flu-

What part of it is not available to anyone other than high risk groups at this time are you having trouble understanding. It is quite clear, really. Obama's daughters not a part of the high risk group means that the vaccine isn't available to them at this time. How can they be vaccinated when it isn't available to them?

There is nothing conflicting in the messages; there is nothing mixed in the messages. They are quite clear. The problem here is that, once again, you are lacking in information, and attempting to distort things based on your own ignorance of the situation.
or intellectual dishonesty? :hmm:

Yeppers, that too. Attempting to portray oneself as informed when it is obvious that one is operating on a lack of information is intellectually dishonest. Attempting to manipulate facts to get them to fall in line with what you want them to portray rather than what they actually portray is intellectual dishonesty. Guess we're in for another round of it.
Obama declared it to be a national emergency yet his oldest daughter with asthma hasn't been innoculated with the swine flu vaccine. That's enough for people to question those things. Especially when you had Kathleen Sebelius lecturing/urging parents they must have their children vaccinated in order to avoid any serious outbreak of the swine flu.

Sebelius: Americans should get swine flu shot - Swine flu-

For one thing, the Obama is sure sending lots of mixed messages.

Asthma does not place one in the high risk group. Choice is not involved here. The vaccine is not available to anyone other than those specific people in the high risk groups that have been identified. Get out from under that rock and pay attention to the news.
Exactly. And now the Obama kids are not going to get vaccinated? That's enough to get people to question the "emergency" call or even danger about H1N1.

Perhaps its enough to get a few lunatic fringe to come to that conclusion. Fortunately, the majorioty have no problem understanding the fact that the vaccine is available only to high risk groups at this time, and Obama's daughter is not a member of the high risk groups.:roll:

Such a simple concept. Such a perverted attempt to make it seem like something else.:roll:
I'm not sure if it was posted in here but what are the criteria to be labeled as high risk group?
So should President Obama go ahead and get them vaccinated even though it's only available to high-risk groups at the moment?


Yeah. And then kokonut can come of AD and rant and rave about how Obama took 2 vaccines away from people who really needed them because they were at risk for complications from the flu and gave them to his daughters.
I'm not sure if it was posted in here but what are the criteria to be labeled as high risk group?

Right now, the vaccine is available only to pregnant women, child care workers, and health care workers. Pregnant women are at greater risk for complications, and in fact, there has been more than one death of a pregnant woman in the last few months from the H1N1 virus. Health care workers are at much, much greater risk for exposure than the average citizen. If the pandemic hits the health care industry, we do not have the number of workers needed to take care of the patients.

The vaccine has only been released once. The amount was less that was expected to be ready at the time of release. There will be additional batches released as they become available. Once the two groups at highest risk have been vaccinated, they will move down the line. First to elderly and young children, then to those with a medically compromising condition, then to the general public.
I posted the requirements for the situation in which there is limited vaccine availability above. There's a link there. At that site, you'll find the "regular" official policy. I'm not sure which policy is currently in effect. It may vary by area.

In my area, my dr says that he will follow the requirements *strictly.* Right now, my dr has nasal vaccine ONLY for toddlers. CNN reported that some areas have vaccine available. It may depend on how your local health authority handles the distribution.
it makes no sense to vaccinate the old because the old seems to be spared while the young/adults are more likely to die. You see a total reverse effect with swine flu.
Right now, the vaccine is available only to pregnant women and health care workers. Pregnant women are at greater risk for complications, and in fact, there has been more than one death of a pregnant woman in the last few months from the H1N1 virus. Health care workers are at much, much greater risk for exposure than the average citizen. If the pandemic hits the health care industry, we do not have the number of workers needed to take care of the patients.

The vaccine has only been released once. The amount was less that was expected to be ready at the time of release. There will be additional batches released as they become available. Once the two groups at highest risk have been vaccinated, they will move down the line. First to elderly and young children, then to those with a medically compromising condition, then to the general public.

I posted the requirements for the situation in which there is limited vaccine availability above. There's a link there. At that site, you'll find the "regular" official policy. I'm not sure which policy is currently in effect. It may vary by area.

In my area, my dr says that he will follow the requirements *strictly.* Right now, my dr has nasal vaccine ONLY for toddlers. CNN reported that some areas have vaccine available. It may depend on how your local health authority handles the distribution.

Sallylou - I see in your post #4.

* pregnant women,
* persons who live with or provide care for infants aged <6 months (e.g., parents, siblings, and daycare providers),
* health-care and emergency medical services personnel who have direct contact with patients or infectious material,
* children aged 6 months--4 years, and
* children and adolescents aged 5--18 years who have medical conditions that put them at higher risk for influenza-related complications.

let's see.... Obama's daughters do not meet those criteria. case closed. move on.
it makes no sense to vaccinate the old because the old seems to be spared while the young/adults are more likely to die. You see a total reverse effect with swine flu.

The elderly have more compromising medical conditions that would make the flu dangerous to them.
I understand that experts think that the older population has some immunity to the virus. Older people may have been exposed to a similar virus at some time. Of course, older people are more likely to have chronic medical conditions, which may put them in the higher risk target group.
Here's what they're doing locally:

H1N1 flu vaccine to be available at tri-county clinics
By Brenda Rindge
The Post and Courier
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

DHEC health clinics in Charleston, Berkeley and Dorchester counties will offer the injectable H1N1 vaccine in addition to the nasal spray starting Saturday [Oct. 24].

Due to the large volume of calls, the appointment line hours have been

expanded to 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Saturday.

Clinics giving the vaccine are:

• Northwoods Public Health Clinic, 2070 Northbrook Blvd., Suite A-20, North Charleston
• Mount Pleasant Public Health Clinic, 1189 Iron Bridge Road, Mount Pleasant
• Moncks Corner Public Health Clinic, 109 West Main St., Moncks Corner
• Summerville Public Health Clinic, 500 N. Main St., Summerville

The clinics are by appointment only. Call 953-0090 for an appointment.

The risk groups currently being vaccinated are: all people 6 months through 24 years of age; people who live with or care for children younger than 6 months of age; all pregnant women; healthcare and emergency services personnel, and people aged 25 through 64 years who have health conditions associated with higher risk of medical complications from influenza.
H1N1 flu vaccine to be available at tri-county clinics The Post and Courier - Charleston SC newspaper

According to this, the Obama girls can get their H1N1 shots in Charleston. :)
The Spanish Flu is a strain of H1N1. The one we see nowadays and the one back in 1918 are different strains. Back then, it wiped out half of my family.

Both avian and swine flu are the same virus, just different strains. It doesn't matter if they are avian or swine, since they could cross the species barrier anyway... just that it's a name designated for the sake of public media.

Hope Deaf Doc will come on and give up an explanation of why you are wrong.
I understand that experts think that the older population has some immunity to the virus. Older people may have been exposed to a similar virus at some time. Of course, older people are more likely to have chronic medical conditions, which may put them in the higher risk target group.

Yeah, depending on their age cohort, they are thinking that prior exposure may have provided protection for some seniors.
Here's what they're doing locally:

H1N1 flu vaccine to be available at tri-county clinics The Post and Courier - Charleston SC newspaper

According to this, the Obama girls can get their H1N1 shots in Charleston. :)

Don't they check residence? The Obama girls do not live in Charleston or even the state. The amount of vaccine shipped to various health depts is dependent upon the amount of cases seen in that particular area. More cases = higher risk of exposure. Also dependent upon the number of high risk residents.
Apparently, the CDC has decided to let Texans die. It's my own personal little conspiracy theory! :giggle:

The CDC cannot explain why Texas has been allocated a half-a-million doses of the vaccine, but only had 178,000 doses delivered.
Apparently, the CDC has decided to let Texans die. It's my own personal little conspiracy theory! :giggle:

State is too danged populated anyway! And there are lots of Latinos there. Yep, it's a conspiracy, no doubt!
High risk covers age 6 months through 24 years of age, after pregnant women, care givers of six mos. and younger, medical professionals.

Obama's girls are of an age where they are recommending kids being vaccinated simply because this H1N1 is attacking healthy young children and young adults. Those that are over 25 with medical condition are prioritized after this group of 6 mos through 24 yrs of age. That's how I read it via CDC's website.

CDC H1N1 Flu | Novel H1N1 Vaccination Recommendations

As a parent of a healthy young teen, the school is recommending every kid get vaccinated. Even my doctor says she is eligible to receive the H1N1 vaccine but I am not. Not that I wanted to get one, I don't. But, I believe Obama's girls are eligible and do fall within the priority high risk group as outline in the CDC link above.