Fireworks are scary

I can tell easy, you see i just wait a few seconds after i light the fuse and feel the jerk from the artillery shell exploding from the cannon I'm irresponsibly holding in my hand.
I can tell easy, you see i just wait a few seconds after i light the fuse and feel the jerk from the artillery shell exploding from the cannon I'm irresponsibly holding in my hand.
*Tousi handing Ev a 105 mortar shell and runs like the dickens and dives into a foxhole.*
When the lights were turned off at the university last night, that signaled the start of the fireworks. I then watch the sky and watch for the trail that is going up in the air to start them. Bang, bang, bang and Snickers started barking like mad. Time to head back to the van, but she was nice enough to let me see them this year, last year was another story. :roll:
I can tell easy, you see i just wait a few seconds after i light the fuse and feel the jerk from the artillery shell exploding from the cannon I'm irresponsibly holding in my hand.

See? That falls into that "as long as I am expecting them" part lol
I can tell because my cat is hiding in the basement and my dogs keep running to the windows and barking.

How cute. :lol:

Definitely can hear the fireworks going off IF I'm standing outside. I love fireworks!
Of course I can hear them even without hearing aids. The first time I heard it, I thought someone was firing their guns and I ducked to the ground so fast. I felt stupid when I found out it was only the fireworks.
Yes I do tell if there's fireworks depends on its lighting and how connect on my feeling of vibration on my body from it.
I can kind of hear them up close but really feel them more! I do like to see them. My hearing dog ignores them hahaha great hearing dog you are :roll:
Im not scared of fireworks nor care a lot for them. I do love the big ones that have white glimmering like falling stars. I love to see the kids happy watching them though.