Fired or change different interpreter


New Member
Jun 7, 2005
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My friend Sam attending ATC (Applied Technology Center) in Ogden, Utah to learn about computer business for several years. Sam was not very happy with his interpreter because the interpreter always want to wait until he finish reading or playing game on computer. Sam told him that he will fired him. Interpreter told Sam that he can't fired or change the interpreter because of the contract.... I told Sam that is impossible about the contract....Sam will talk with the ATC offices and find out what is going on. Can he complained to ADA??? Give me some update ASAP. THANKS!!!
He can go to his advisor at ATC and tell him what is going on - and request a different interpreter. Most colleges and universities do comply with the ADA provisions and they usually follow through pretty quickly.
basically he can't fire the interpreter.. but he can change the interpreter..

every deaf person have a right to have a right interpreter fits their needs.. i do that.. once i don't like this interpreter.. i inform the interpreter agency " i don't want this interpreter name ****** anymore" so the next appt with interpreter they see a list of interpreter i don't want to have they don't choose them..

as for school.. suggust contact the disability center office.. they will take care :D
Before I respone, I check the info about city of Ogden in Utah. Not bad for the population size.

You may inform Sam to contact dean office about the compliant. I am sure that it would be fast solving the problem instead of complianting to instructor or advisor. The Dean is the best problem solver.

Deaf student has right to terminate any interpreter if he/she does not good job. That does not matter with the contract. However, interpreter did not follow the client's demand.
It seems that ATC has an "Office of Diversity" which is responsible for ADA compliance.

That is probably the place to make a complaint about the terp.

At the college that our terps serve, the counsellor at the disability services office contracts for terps. If a student is not satisified with a terp, then the terp service will provide a different terp, within reason. A student client can't just say, "I don't like the terp, give me a new one." There has to be a reason such as breach of ethics, incompetancy, frequent tardiness, unprofessional behavior, etc.

I think you should contact the counsellor and explain the situation. It is possible that the counselor will offer to contact the terp agency/company and let them either change terps, or correct the behavior of the current terp.

Did this happen once, or every class, every day?

What you described is very unprofessional behavior.
mld4ds said:
Deaf student has right to terminate any interpreter if he/she does not good job. That does not matter with the contract.

Correct according to the Bilenko vs Glendale City College case that happened 4 yrs ago.

Thank you all for the information. I will forward this forum to Sam and he will get the ideas. :ty: :wave:
mld4ds said:
Deaf student has right to terminate any interpreter if he/she does not good job.

Well, no. A deaf student does not have the right nor power to fire an interpreter any more than any other student can fire any other member of the staff of a college.

But they should most certainly go to the interpreter coordinator and request a change and explain why. It sounds like that interpreter is not behaving professionally and whoever is in charge of the interpreters should definitely know about it.

Whether that interpreter then gets fired is up to the coordinator, not the student. But the student appears to have a perfect right to ask for (and hopefully receive) a different interpreter.
I wonder why some interpreter take things as avantage and don't behave right or professionally. I dont mean all of the interpreter, but i have had interpreters who are not behaving professionally they think deaf people are easy to manipulate cuz of "deaf/dumb" or whatever. I hate interpreteers like that. I like interpreter who are good with what he/she and is professional. I also like them to be who i like. I wouldn't want to go to a dr appt with an interpreter that i am not comfortable with. heh
Bluegecko, you said, "Sam was not very happy with his interpreter because the interpreter ALWAYS (CAPS are mine) want to wait until he finish reading or playing game on the computer."

This sounds like this "abuse" has been going on for a long time. I was just wondering why Sam hasn't done anything about this yet?
I don't mean "always", the interpreter does not do his Job when Sam need him. At ATC let the interpreter to used the computer when Sam is reading the textbook and on the computer. Most of the time Sam does not understand what is the words or have some question. The interpreter always said wait and let him finish reading or games. Education come first than games. It been going on often.

By the way Sam would like to say THANK YOU for your help and he will talk with Admin office.