Feel tired, dont feel do anything?


I love purple!
Premium Member
Mar 27, 2006
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Do you feel tired half way through you day?
Do you want a quick "pick-up" that will last up to 6 hours?

A.C.T. is the energy you need. Whether it’s morning, noon or night, A.C.T. is your quick energy boost to get you going, thinking and feeling better!

I have a free sample that you can try. Send me your address information so I can send you a free sample.

Check out my site!

Glorie Hollingsworth
I am very sorry

My one site dont work. I have to talk to my friend about that because He handle the domin. Please be patient until my site will work so you can fill the address. I would send you a free sample so you can try.

I am sorry about that.
not good for you.....

one thing can give you engery is excerise....

works for me all the time
Cassbugs said:
not good for you.....

one thing can give you engery is excerise....

works for me all the time

Hi, some people like drink engery drinks if they dont have time to excerise. I talked with many people about excerise. They said first is easy to start excerise then they become lazy because of no engery. A.C.T help them to start excerise so they have enough engery. Too many people are so busy about full job that they dont have time to excerise. I am sorry if you dont agree with this.
coloravalanche said:
Would this affect/harm my chronic leukemia cancer?

No they wont harm you. A.C.T have all vitamins insides. You can ask your doctor if A.C.T is safe for you. A.C.T always say if you are taking meds then dont drink A.C.T with them because they have vitamins insides. They suggest you to check doctor before try it.

I am sorry that you have chronic leukemia cancer. I hope that you feel better.
ghsh1996 said:
No they wont harm you. A.C.T have all vitamins insides. You can ask your doctor if A.C.T is safe for you. A.C.T always say if you are taking meds then dont drink A.C.T with them because they have vitamins insides. They suggest you to check doctor before try it.

I am sorry that you have chronic leukemia cancer. I hope that you feel better.

I'm going to PM you and ask you personal question..thanks!
Oh I have tried that before and it taste awful, I'm sorry, I just an icetea woman here
^Angel^ said:
Oh I have tried that before and it taste awful, I'm sorry, I just an icetea woman here

Hi Angel, You didnt offend me. I understand you dont like A.C.T. My husband and I tried that at first. It taste so sweet and awful. Second time it seems not bad. It boost our enenry without shaking. My husband usually drink No Fear but I dont like No Fear. Ewww. I used drink Red Bull but it is not good for me because it make my body shaking.
My best friend might will want that BUT I dont want that because it could ruin my healthy since I did take one different pill for that kind of stuff and I fell into coma for few minutes, so sorry.
Sweetheart said:
My best friend might will want that BUT I dont want that because it could ruin my healthy since I did take one different pill for that kind of stuff and I fell into coma for few minutes, so sorry.

Hello Sweetheart, I can send sample to your best friend if you want me. I understand that you dont want take that. No problem. :)
ghsh1996 said:
Hi, some people like drink engery drinks if they dont have time to excerise. I talked with many people about excerise. They said first is easy to start excerise then they become lazy because of no engery. A.C.T help them to start excerise so they have enough engery. Too many people are so busy about full job that they dont have time to excerise. I am sorry if you dont agree with this.
you got a point there. so don't sweat about it :)
Did u know that if u consume alot fruits, vegs and stable meals per day.. also H20 is your best engery reference? :) If you ever felt tired.. i suggest you take a brisk walk or eat an apple. It'll boost up your engery. all natural foods is your answer. really..
LisaMarie said:
Did u know that if u consume alot fruits, vegs and stable meals per day.. also H20 is your best engery reference? :) If you ever felt tired.. i suggest you take a brisk walk or eat an apple. It'll boost up your engery. all natural foods is your answer. really..

Hello Lisamarine, you are right but some fruits, vegs have chemicals from spray that they cut lot of vitamins. If you cook them then lost lot of vitamins. That why A.C.T give you more vitamins. Orgainc foods are so expensive to buy.
ghsh1996 said:
Hello Lisamarine, you are right but some fruits, vegs have chemicals from spray that they cut lot of vitamins. If you cook them then lost lot of vitamins. That why A.C.T give you more vitamins. Orgainc foods are so expensive to buy.
Yes you are correct. Most of the enyzmes are taken away from cooked or poor soil to grow from... That is why i usually buy organic foods. they are not too bad priced but sometime it can be expensive if they are not in season..
ghsh1996 said:
Hi Angel, You didnt offend me. I understand you dont like A.C.T. My husband and I tried that at first. It taste so sweet and awful. Second time it seems not bad. It boost our enenry without shaking. My husband usually drink No Fear but I dont like No Fear. Ewww. I used drink Red Bull but it is not good for me because it make my body shaking.

Really? I haven't tried No Fear, but did tried Red Bull one when they were giving away at the cook-offs about 2 or 3 years ago, whoa it made me go to the bathroom alot :whistle:
^Angel^ said:
Really? I haven't tried No Fear, but did tried Red Bull one when they were giving away at the cook-offs about 2 or 3 years ago, whoa it made me go to the bathroom alot :whistle:

Hi Angel, Poor you about you had to go bathroom alot from Red Bull. I handled a caffiene long time ago because I had hyper. My old doctor made me drink coffee when i was a kid. I cannot get any energy with coffee or coca cola. I used drink Red Bull then my age changed me. My body cannot handle the caffiene anymore. I am taking A.C.T that they dont have caffiene.