fbi admits to fudging evedence for decades

And this surprises you? This is how policing is done, it's not whether you innocent, it's about finding someone to pin the crime on and getting it to stick. Hopefully, the agents involved have been fired and are awaiting trial for tampering with evidence and falsifying a police report, and the FBI will have to pony up a whole lot of money to the families involved and pay a whole lot more money to those families of the victims who where executed.
And this surprises you? This is how policing is done, it's not whether you innocent, it's about finding someone to pin the crime on and getting it to stick. Hopefully, the agents involved have been fired and are awaiting trial for tampering with evidence and falsifying a police report, and the FBI will have to pony up a whole lot of money to the families involved and pay a whole lot more money to those families of the victims who where executed.

Dont know where you got that im suprised, im not suprised. Ive been in, s few times. I know the system and farce it is.
My outrage is regarding the dudes cooked, or injected of gassed.whst ever way the state did it, yet, evedence was fudged, the fbi will get away sckttt free as akways and the systen goes on.
They calm themseleves part of the justice department.