When I used to play a lot of games on my old Gateway PC, my faves were:
Need for Speed, NFS2 SE, NFSIII Hot Pursuit, NFS High Stakes, and NFS Porsche Unleashed. I now play NFS exclusively on my xbox with NFS Underground and NFS Most Wanted Black.
Mortyr-a FPS set in both the early 2030's and 1944 World War II Germany
Quake 2
Command and Conquer especially Tiberian Sun. I now have Command and Conquer Generals installed in my laptop
Midtown Madness 1 Chicago Edition and Midtown Madness 2 San Francisco Edition. I loved playing online Cops n Robbers at the old M$ GameZone Online(Think xbox Live before there was xbox Live way back in 1999)
Nowadays I dont play games on my laptop very much despite the laptop's 64 meg GeForce4GTS video card 'cause of the high heat the laptop generates during gameplay. Also another reason is the increased minimum system requirements that often drove me nuts trying to figure out if the game will make my computer choke on it or not. So I'm spending more time playing the xbox than the PC.