Father is deaf


New Member
Sep 5, 2006
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My name is Bhavik Gohil. I'm currently 19 years old and live with my parents.

My father found out that he could not hear out of his left ear and could only hear faintly out of right ear while he was in college, I believe. He has been wearing a hearing aid for most of this life. He will be turning 59 this year in december.

The major problem started about 2 years ago when one day when my mom comes home my father says that he can't hear anymore. So over a couple of months of visiting doctors. The problems were, he had a wax build up, an infection and I think something else. His hearing eventually came back to what it was with the hearing aid. Over the years my father has learned to read lips. Even though he was able to hear he still learned to read lips so that he can get a better understand of what the person is saying if he missed a word or two. I think within the past year he has lost his hearing and he can't hear anything. Before he was able to hear I guess certain frequencies, because if I banged on a table or something to get his attention he could hear that, but now he can't even hear that. He wearing a hearing aid when he goes out and all, just so that people know he has a hard time of hearing, but he carries a notepad and pen so people who need to communicate with him can write stuff down.

My problem for today is my mom knows that he is hard of hearing, but it still has sunk into her head that when she says things to fast and all that he doesn't understand.

Like today my dad was working on something and my mom wanted him to look at some old computer stuff to see if he wanted to throw it away or not, but he was trying to finish what he was doing so my mom got mad at him and started yelling at him. This happens almost everyday know. They are always fighting. My mom doesnt' speak very good english and sometimes doesn't communicated everything written properly in hindi (Main language from India) and my dad doesn't understand all the time and my mom gets frustrated and angry.

My questions are:
What should I do?
How can I help my parents out with this problem?
I was attending college in Phillaldephia, PA (2 hours from Tenafly, NJ), but I have transfered to a community college for atleast a year to help my father out. Another reasons was also for the money $40,000 -> $10,000 is a big difference since that extra $30,000 was just a loan.

Another question was I was reading up on CI and it seemed like an interesting idea. I would wondering if anyone could answer a bunch of questions preferable a doctor or someone who has gone threw the process or knows someone personally who has gone threw the process.

I've seen that it can cost anywhere from $40,000-$70,000. I was also wondering that if this will work with everyone. Will he be able to hear people again perfectly or are there any draw backs. Is it water proof, does it have to be maintained, etc... If anyone knows of a good website because I have been using Wikipedia for most if not all of my information.

Thank You all and have a nice day.
It does sound like on the face of it your father would be a good candidate for a CI, since he is late deafened, has sound memory but doesn't benefit from hearing aids. He would of course need to go through a proper medical evaluation. Do you have medical insurance coverage for your parents? If so then it would be worth checking out since most people get CIs through their medical insurance, including batteries.

I'm not sure what to say about your mum's frustrations. On one hand she may need to be more patient but on the other perhaps she feels that your dad isn't being proactive about his hearing loss, whether that is to investigate getting a CI or to learn sign language? It is very common for people who have lost their hearing to exist in denial and to ignore the problem and this can make the people around them very frustrated.