Fat boy may be put in care

Is it the best solution to put a boy in care?

  • No

    Votes: 13 50.0%
  • Yes

    Votes: 10 38.5%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 3 11.5%

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Sussi *7.7.86 - 18.6.09*
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Jan 13, 2004
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Fat boy may be put in care

AN eight-year-old boy who weighs 14 stone, more than three times the average for his age, may be taken into care if his mother fails to improve his diet.

Connor McCreaddie, from Wallsend, near Newcastle upon Tyne, has broken four beds and five bicycles. The family claims to have a history of intolerance to fruit or vegetables.

On Tuesday his mother and grandmother will attend a formal child protection conference to decide his future, which could lead to proceedings to take him into care.

Connor could be placed on the child protection register, along with victims of physical and sexual abuse, or on the less serious children in need register.

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The intervention of social services is a landmark in the fight against youth obesity.

The boy’s mother, Nicola McKeown, said: “If Connor gets taken into care that is the worst scenario there could be. Hopefully, we will be able to work through it and come up with a good plan and he will just be put on the at-risk register or some other register. That wouldn’t be so bad because, hopefully, there will be some help for us at the end of it.”

Two specialist obesity nurses, a consultant paediatrician, the deputy head of Connor’s school, a police officer and at least two social workers are expected to be on the panel deciding what action should be taken.

One National Health Service source said: “We have attempted many times to arrange for Connor to have appointments with community and paediatric nutritionists, public health experts, school nurses and social workers to weigh and measure him and to address his diet, but the appointments have been missed.

“Taking the child into care or putting him on the child protection register is absolutely the last resort. We do not do these things lightly but we have got to consider what effect this life-style is having on his health. Child abuse is not just about hitting your children or sexually abusing them, it is also about neglect.”

The source added: “The long-term health effects of obesity such as diabetes are well known and it is concerning that Connor is more than twice the weight he should be. There has to be some parental responsibility.”

McKeown will appear on Tonight with Trevor McDonald on ITV

Fat boy may be put in care-News-UK-Health-TimesOnline

What do you think of this?
I saw it on tv today, they think it is Mother's fault for giving him wrong food, but saying if this boy is American, the US won't do anything about it!

I saw this huge boy playing outside using trampoline as exercise.

In Australia, they start to introduced more healthy foods in school canteen, out are chips, softdrinks, meatpies and bring in more fruits, and healthy drinks!!!
Into a care.. I don't think so...

I think they should offer a health visiting nurse or nutritions to come by to teach mother on feeding etc..

I remember I had a parent partner here (remember I live in different state now not like in mass).... She mention the pamplet one of these thing we went thru, i can get newletter in mail about foods etc, plus they do offer a person to come to my home and teach me on food produces, how to measure correct etc.. I though that will be SO GREAT for me and my kids to sit and listen.. I should sign that up but i was going thru Hell with my pains lately.. Today Im seeing my neuroSurgeon to find out what his decision is.. Sigh...

Anyway.. I think the mother should take time to figure out, or have a child to get some health help..even in a school.. Opal brought up good point... My kids school give out dicussion on healthy foods, they dont give out junk foods they also give you options if you want this or not.. Mostly they eat fruits and Veggies. Last year I remember the kids school was giving out braclet (plastics one) if they finished their veggies and fruits! that is a PRIZE for them to eat HEALTHY food which I am so relief.. Sean my son is NUTS over broccoli (thank god)... hehe

Well.. i feel bad for this boy, I also did click the link.. somewhere in a blog I notice the person might have known the family very well. said the boy is 5 ft 1 inches tall and He is only EIGHT years old.. so His growing SPUR may be gone thru the roof.. Lets hope they do some researches before they made mistake :)

Britain May Take Custody of Obese Boy
By COURTNEY FRENCH, Associated Press Writer
Tue Feb 27, 1:33 AM

LONDON - Authorities are considering taking an 8-year-old boy who weighs 218 pounds into protective custody unless his mother improves his diet, officials said Monday. Social service officials will meet with family members Tuesday to discuss the health of Connor McCreaddie, who weighs more than three times the average for his age.

"The worst case would be Connor getting taken into care. He is well cared for," the boy's mother, Nicola McKeown, told ITV television.

A spokeswoman for health officials in Wallsend, North Tyneside, 300 miles north of London, said the hearing was part of a process that could eventually lead to Connor being taken into protective care. She declined to comment further.

The health agencies organizing the meeting said they "have been working with the family over a prolonged period of time and will continue to do so."

Officials would not say whether Connor suffered from a medical condition that led to his obesity, citing privacy issues.

An unidentified health official was quoted as telling The Sunday Times that taking custody of Connor would be a last resort, but said the family had repeatedly failed to attend appointments with nurses, nutritionists and social workers.

"Child abuse is not just about hitting your children or sexually abusing them, it is also about neglect," the official was quoted as saying.

Dr. Colin Waine, the director of the National Obesity Forum in Nottingham, England, called Connor's lifestyle "extremely dangerous," adding he is at risk of developing diabetes in his early teens, and cardiovascular and nervous system problems in his 20s.

"He's really at risk of dying by the time he's 30," Waine said.

Dr. Michael Markiewicz, a pediatrician, agreed.

"I'm not saying they can't care for him, but what they are doing is through the way they are treating him and feeding him, they are slowly killing him," he said.

Connor's case attracted national attention after his mother allowed an ITV News crew to film his day-to-day life over the course of a month.

Connor's mother said he steals and hides food, frustrating her efforts to help him. He eats double or triple what a normal seven-year-old would have, she said.

"If I didn't give him enough at teatime then he would just go on at us all night for snacks and stuff," she told ITV.

Connor, who lives with his mother and sister, has difficulty dressing and washing himself, misses school regularly because of poor health, and is targeted by bullies.

"People pick on us because of my weight. They call us fat. It makes us feel sick of the nutters always shouting at us," Connor told ITV.

NEWS - HEALTH - Comcast.net
I saw it on tv today, they think it is Mother's fault for giving him wrong food, but saying if this boy is American, the US won't do anything about it!

I saw this huge boy playing outside using trampoline as exercise.

In Australia, they start to introduced more healthy foods in school canteen, out are chips, softdrinks, meatpies and bring in more fruits, and healthy drinks!!!

Yes you made a good point.

Yes it's same here in Germany as well... Government takes care of people's healthy and make sure that they need information about healthy issues.

I vote No because I don't think for put a boy in care is the best solution.

Health issue are being introduce to everywhere in the public and make sure that people aware about foods etc and also commericals as well. Also at kindergarten and school as well.

My boys have the problem to eat fruits but no problem with vegetables...

Yes, that's right Wendy...
Its good to know that British government takes care of their people's healthy... but I don't beleive to put him in care is the best solution.. Its about patience... he needs the help...
No way for boy putting into the care by children protection care.

Unless The parent must responsibility care their son and attend Nutritions staff who can help them..
Goal their weight reduction better help his future better way.
Just because a kid is overweight, it doesn't mean they should place him in a care of a foster home....There's a lot of reason why a child may be overweight, usually it would be the case where a child would sneak in the kitchen in the middle of the night where the parents are alsleep and try to steal food out of a kitchen cabinet or refrigerator....I know that most children do sneak in the kitchen and grab something to eat without asking their parents permission, my children intend to do that often when they know they have to ask FIRST....It probably would have helped if the parents would have been supportive by encourage their son to eat healthy food and doing physical activity daily etc, that would help her son to lose the weight and not gaining it...I do think it is ridiculous to put this boy in a care just because he is overweight, there are a lot of ways they could help this child, there's no needed to take a child from his parents, that not helping him, that more of punishing his parents for allowing him to remain overweight....I know some children intend to eat junk food more than healthy food, maybe if the parents shouldn't buy anymore junk food so they could actually help him lose the weight....but then again, some children always find a way to sneak by walking up to a gas station and grab some junk food...:dunno:

Anyways I vote " no ", the boy shouldn't be put in a care, he needs his parents to help him too....
If put the boy in car. He will get depressed and might will tempt to eat more. Let the mother take care of the boy, have the nurse, DR, whoever go and help the mother and the boy.
RedheadGrrl said:
If put the boy in car. He will get depressed and might will tempt to eat more. Let the mother take care of the boy, have the nurse, DR, whoever go and help the mother and the boy

You mean " care " instead of car?.... :giggle: you're so cute! I agree
I voted Not sure... It all depends how he was treated at home...I dont know what kind of home he is living in... what kind of parents???? there are too many factors to this kind of reason why he is so fat...
Just because a kid is overweight, it doesn't mean they should place him in a care of a foster home....There's a lot of reason why a child may be overweight, usually it would be the case where a child would sneak in the kitchen in the middle of the night where the parents are alsleep and try to steal food out of a kitchen cabinet or refrigerator....I know that most children do sneak in the kitchen and grab something to eat without asking their parents permission, my children intend to do that often when they know they have to ask FIRST....It probably would have helped if the parents would have been supportive by encourage their son to eat healthy food and doing physical activity daily etc, that would help her son to lose the weight and not gaining it...I do think it is ridiculous to put this boy in a care just because he is overweight, there are a lot of ways they could help this child, there's no needed to take a child from his parents, that not helping him, that more of punishing his parents for allowing him to remain overweight....I know some children intend to eat junk food more than healthy food, maybe if the parents shouldn't buy anymore junk food so they could actually help him lose the weight....but then again, some children always find a way to sneak by walking up to a gas station and grab some junk food...:dunno:

Anyways I vote " no ", the boy shouldn't be put in a care, he needs his parents to help him too....


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Obese child: UK may weigh custody - CNN.com

Connor's mother said he steals and hides food, frustrating her efforts to help him. He eats double or triple what a normal seven-year-old would have, she said.

Put a child in care is not the best solution because he will never learn what right or wrong... or he need to be examine to find out why he addict on foods a lot... it could be that he has thyriod? I think the mother need support and go to class how to help her son...
Oh yes, my boys sneak in the kitchen to have their foods and drink (cereals, bread with ham or chicken etc)sometimes because I don´t have junk foods in fridge and cabinet... I warned my boys to not do that again... If they have hungry then do that before 8.00 pm, not after 8.00 pm...
I guess it is the only way is have to lock up all the cabinet and fridge. I know it sound abuse but It is only way to make the boy stop eating during middle of night. Well there is alot of options to help the boy.
We have obesity children in USA. It's really sad. There are two things that can make kids gain weight, #1..it could be a medical problem like thyroid glands...#2..Parents just let them eat whatever they pleased. My niece and nephew (brother and sister) are overly obese. I've notice that they don't do anything like helping them around the house or do exercises. Their mother buys tons of junk food. She's been doing that since they started eating solid food. The reason why she did is to keep them from crying when they were little. His father tries to put them on a diet. No, both parents are not longer married. It's very difficult.

I was reading and notice that the boy's mother stated that his family have history of intolerence of fruit and vegetables? I've never heard of that. Was she's making it up or not? I'm just curious.

"Connor McCreaddie, from Wallsend, near Newcastle upon Tyne, has broken four beds and five bicycles. The family claims to have a history of intolerance to fruit or vegetables."
I have a friend who has a child that will not stop eating. Its because she turned to food when her dad beat the crap out of her mum. The problem is now phycological more than physical. My friend is a single mum now for 2 years and has been unable to break her daughter from eating even with help from phycologists and nutrisionists. If my friend doesn't get it her daughter will steel it. She will get it out of dustbins or anything. You have to look and say why is this boy eating so much? Has he another problem that this is covering up. Untill you deal with that then the boy will eat crap no mater what mum or school does. Of course he needs help with both and fast befor he faces liver damage etc.
Big boy to be in care...not really requestin'

I've seen on The Learning Channel ...I was watchin' about the parents who has a overweighted baby...found that it's the genes in the body cause it to gained weight, it's rare, the parents did feeds him healthy meals but he keeps gettin' bigger and bigger...it's the genes, the doctors are tryin' many way to help that baby, they said there's isn't a cure to help the baby lose weight but keeps feedin' the baby healthy lean foods...

I felt sorry for many who just keeps gaining weight and eatin' healthy, it's weird...Some who can eat alots and don't gained a weight, that's odds...

I don't accused anyone for not eatin' much or eatin' too much, NEVER, it's not anybody fault they are too thin or too big...

Some people accused thin people for being too thin and then says you don't eat enough and some people accused big people for being too big and then says you eats too much, this is totally wrong...

Many people are born different, different genes in their body, imblance of the body are different from others which we were born imperfect and we got our sins from Adam and Eve that's why we all are born different or made wrong...

I don't disrespected people who are different or made wrong, either big or little, they are humans like us with feelings...

If I see big or thin people or indifferent, made wrong people.. I hugs them, because they are humans with feelings...

parasite is the problems and fats in foods is the problems, the air we breath and the allergies, many things caused us to gain too much or to lose too much, shakin' my head, we don't know where is it comin' from ...I don't agree the kid should be in care, he should be left alone and try some specials way to get help at home, but I tell you it's the genes, very rare and strange!

Obese child can stay with mother - CNN.com

LONDON, England (Reuters) -- British social workers have decided to allow an 8-year-old boy who weighs almost 200 pounds (91 kilograms) to remain at home with his mother, who has refused to stop feeding him junk food.

Connor McCreaddie's mother says her 196-pound (89-kilogram) son will not eat healthy food like fruits and vegetables and had rejected a suggestion that she put a lock on the fridge.

Social workers had considered taking the boy into care. His plight has prompted intense media interest in a country increasingly concerned about rising child obesity levels.

But after a meeting with Connor and his mother Nicola McKeown, 35, the local council in North Tyneside in northeastern England said he would remain at home.

"We have had a useful discussion today during which all agencies and the family confirmed that the priority in this matter is the eight-year-old boy," the council said in a statement Tuesday.

"The Local Safeguarding Children Board was able to confirm that its hope and ambition is to enable this child to remain with his family."

The council said it had made a formal agreement with the family "to safeguard and promote the child's welfare." It gave no further details.

Single mother McKeown, who suffers from depression, had dismissed allegations she had been neglecting her son, who is four times the healthy weight of same-age children and was even heavier before Christmas.

Connor, from Wallsend, Newcastle, has lost one-and-a-half stone (21 pounds) since the start of the year after his mother sought advice from health workers and a dietician.

With studies showing Britain has the worst rate of obesity among children in Europe, the country's media regulator plans to ban television advertising for junk food aimed at school-age children from next year.