Family in my problems


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Jul 2, 2004
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Okay, by now, probably my whole family knows that I have dropped college. I say it because somehow it's going to come out anyway. I did it for a reason. I wanted to get out, work, and find out who I am before I go back again. It's only been 2 months since I have been out of college. My family can't seem to grasp that I am an adult, and I think it's best for my self nature to do soul searching this way. Many people do this, and they just don't seem to accept that.

Now, I just received a mail from my aunt. I know she meant well, but she had her 2 daughters write me a letter telling me " I know you're smart. If you need to talk please write back or e-mail me!" You know...yadda, yadda, yadda. One of them is still in high school, and said that she doesn't like high school, but she goes because she has to. She's about 15 and the other is only one year younger than I going to college.

Anyway, I am just tired of my family trying to console me when I really don't need it anymore or even want it. I don't feel comfortable talking to people younger than I trying to give me advice. No thanks. I need them to know that I am an adult and can make my own decisions.

They think I have abandoned college forever ot that my life's going to be hell. They have too much thinking about me the wrong way. I just don't need it anymore.

What can I do? I think I either will not write back to them or if I do, I'll tell them thanks, but not to worry about me.

Any of you been in this problem? My other families are living in other states and country, so they aren't near me, but still if I visit them or they just won't stop the chit chat about me......HELP!
umm.. what can i say? well in my own experience. I was in college for almost 3 years, but dropped out 2 months before school's done. The reason why i dropped out of college is because i'm in great pressure.

well, more details about the pressure thing is that i was married things go fine.. till the baby nearly born, I wasn't focus at any homework or studing, was more focusing on working and working to earn money for a new house and for new baby and the family.

once i told my mom about this.. the word spread out to whole family on my side. my grandmother was shocked, she asked me why i dropped out blah blah...

Right now i'm been off-duty student for almost 2 years, but had took 1 class last spring, but its worth nothing but however it helps build my credits...
still i get those words " when will you go back to college?" from my family since my same-age cousin graduate with teaching degree recently.

All i tell them is "when i'm mentally ready" my point to this is that when i'm ready for studing, doing my homework, make sure accountant is the career i want for rest of my life, be able to say 'no' to friends for fun stuff such as going out parting, if i'm having homework that night.

Now i'm finding ways to go back to school full time and finish it all up and be who i want to be in my dream. I know its finicially tough, since i own a house, i am single father, and need to have a full-time job in order to keep the money budget go smooth.

It is normal for every college student to take class and don't know what they want to do in their careers. many college grads graduate and took their dream careers and then work for like 5 years then they changed their mind want a different career and go back to school for different career.. i've seen this often nowadays.

it is worth just to take a general education classes since they're credit builder for every career you choose.

hope this helps.. I know family can be a pressure, but i believe its best way to just focus on urself not the family what they're saying.. just be strong and go to college when u're ready.. most people go to college cuz they're told to do so.. and they can't focus which lead to bad grades.
I've been there before... wasted 4 years working full-time. Ugh!
Hey thank you for sharing DeafScuba98. I know I read yours VamPyrox. *wink*

I did go to college because my mother could not stand the thought of taking a year off. What happens? I am failing some classes because it was only mom's choice. I know that college gives people a better chance of career and income, but the problem is that it has to be my own choice when I am mentally ready. Right now, I am not mentally ready to go. I only bury myself in deeper problems. I tried for 2 years taking stupid courses. I just want to work and think about college and courses at the same time. I haven't completely 'abandoned' college. That's not the case at all. But damn, how do you get your family to understand that?

Thanks, I just don't know how to tell my family to back off. My mom said that my not being in college is something she has to resolve. I told her that it is MY problem to resolve. She think of it as if I caused a drunk driving accident. Ugh! I don't know how to tell you, but it's DAMN annoying.

I hope to hear more from others as it helps know that I am not the only one.

Talk to you all later.
HKG -it's totally all up to you to decide on what to do with your life and future. Despite the fact, your family's family, but they're not YOU, personally. You know? You have the right to decide for yourself and only you. :)
I managed to work three different jobs and attend college for nearly 2 years back in the mid '90's, boy, that was difficult, ha! At least, I survived and rather did enjoy the pressure I was under. I have the tendency to work better under pressure. ;)
I stopped college after my 8th year when my father passed away, I decided to take things a bit easier and help my mother for a while after Dad left.
I have been thinking of going back to school, but have to wait until I've gotten a full time job. None of my family berated me for leaving college and not finishing it. They all understood and knew it was my life and decision.