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What is Kratom?

Kratom is the name for the leaves of the tropical Mitragyna Speciosa tree that is closely related to Rubiaceae – also known as the coffee bean tree. This tree can grow to a height of 100 feet and features large, green leaves with tiny yellow flowers. In areas of Southeast Asia where it is an indigenous plant, it is one of the most common herbal remedies, used to treat a range of conditions from fever to fatigue to depression to diarrhea. Native populations still use Kratom Tea as an alternative to coffee because it provides longer lasting energy without a crash at the end of the day. In countries like Thailand, it is now illegal to grow due to competition with the domestic opium trade.

Kratom was first introduced to the Western world in the 19th Century by the Dutch botanist Pieter Willem Korthals. He observed the reverence for the Mitragyna Speciosa tree paid by natives and gave it the name “precious miter”. After importing Kratom to the Netherlands, it became popular as a stimulant as well as a treatment for opium addiction. To this day, it is believed that Kratom can be a useful treatment tool for individuals with opiate addictions. It seems to be able to prevent the formation of an addiction by interfering with certain neural circuits while also reducing signs of drug withdrawal.
