extracurricular activities for deaf kids?


New Member
Aug 17, 2005
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My 4 year old daughter is deaf, she goes to a very good full time, total communication pre-school, but we are interested in getting her started in swimming lessons and soccer, stuff like that. We'd like to use the local parks and recreation, she took a swimming class over the summer, it went really well. The teachers learned the signs they needed, and learning to swim is largely visual anyway.

We signed her up for soccer recently, took her to the first session, it did not go well at all. It was noisy, so I could not hear what the coach was saying in order to interpret for Gabby, and there were so many kids, it was too distracting for her to look at me for instruction anyway. They made no attempts to accomodate us at all.

Are there any suggestions for helping deaf kids play mainstreamed sports or do other activities?