Ex-McDonald's Manager Wins AIDS Bias Suit


New Member
Oct 28, 2004
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If the company finds out you have AIDS they can fire you! but the jury didnt follow the law! instead they awarded the Ex manager $490,000. I think McDonalds should take this to the U.S Supreme court. Cause i dont want someone with AIDS fooling with my food.Besides this is dangerous you have to protect your workers as well your customers.

Ex-McDonald's Manager Wins AIDS Bias Suit
If people with Hepatitis B are allowed to handle your food, then people with HIV / AIDS should be too. There is NO concern that their disease will be passed on to you as long as they follow the rules and law for clean and safe handling of your meal.

Hcek, Steve, your food already comes with plenty of bacteria from food processing. What, you're afraid that you'll get one of those "gay" diseases you rant against so often? News flash, buddy -- all human diseases affect all humans.
I disagree with you, all people need to be precareful on how to handle food to serve ppl then it's fine... What if ur future wife has aids, are u gonna sue ur wife after she serve u dinner? Smh

ravensteve1961 said:
If the company finds out you have AIDS they can fire you! but the jury didnt follow the law! instead they awarded the Ex manager $490,000. I think McDonalds should take this to the U.S Supreme court. Cause i dont want someone with AIDS fooling with my food.Besides this is dangerous you have to protect your workers as well your customers.

Ex-McDonald's Manager Wins AIDS Bias Suit
nozobo said:
I disagree with you, all people need to be precareful on how to handle food to serve ppl then it's fine... What if ur future wife has aids, are u gonna sue ur wife after she serve u dinner? Smh
If my future wife had aids id divorce her.
ravensteve1961 said:
If my future wife had aids id divorce her.

So u don't believe in bible? When u marry ur future wife, the bible say for better and FOR WORSE... U ought to show ur wife unconditional love... Tsk tsk
If that was the situation, then many people would become homeless, and take extreme measures to survive. You will be suprised how many people you come into contact with that have HIV/AIDS...and 25% of the American population dosent even know they have it!

As long as people are using precautionary measures to assure that there is no blood transmission, it should be ok. That manager had a right to sue. That is discrimination, he did nothing wrong, and should not be fired.

Well arent the women doing the divorcing nowadays? My 3 female cousins and my aunt divorced their husbands. All women care about nowadays is freedom and money.
ravensteve1961 said:
Well arent the women doing the divorcing nowadays? My 3 female cousins and my aunt divorced their husbands. All women care about nowadays is freedom and money.

That was a pretty biased thing to say. All women care about is finding a man that is decent... I think thats what anyone wants these days... maybe some women are that way, but dont put us all in the same category.

ravensteve1961 said:
If my future wife had aids id divorce her.

Rs, your one frigging PATHEIC human being on this planet!!!!!!! Divcoring ur future wife is not very nice thing to do. All you do is complain, moan, and whine about everything on news, ur paranoid. GET A GRIP!
If Nozobo had Hiv, I will STAY with him, what's is impt is LOVE!
Your new Sn for AllDeaf is RantSteve
I'm thriller to hear that the ex mananger from McDonalds won the lawsuit, he deserves every cents he gets from them....

I'm sorry Ravensteve but I disagree with you, NO JOBS should fire someone just cause the person has AIDS, that is discriminated against their rights to work ...

And if the person who has AIDS had made your food, you don't get AIDS from eating it...
ravensteve1961 said:
Well arent the women doing the divorcing nowadays? My 3 female cousins and my aunt divorced their husbands. All women care about nowadays is freedom and money.

Ravensteve, I didn't divorce my ex husband to have freedom or money, and I had a good reason to divorce him...
ravensteve1961 said:
If my future wife had aids id divorce her.

Here it is: The perfect picture of a bible-thumping, anti-gay Republican neoconservative.


Need I say more?
I wouldn't call him a Republican, nor a bible-thumping neocon, Cady.

He's all over the place.
Really? I've never seen him make an comment that is pro-gay, pro-Democrat, pro-liberal or supportive of other religions that are not strictly Christian (not including Catholics).
ravensteve1961 said:
If my future wife had aids id divorce her.

That sounds like a great marriage proposal to your future wife.

nozobo said:
So u don't believe in bible? When u marry ur future wife, the bible say for better and FOR WORSE... U ought to show ur wife unconditional love... Tsk tsk

no way, If I was a man, I would divorce that woman who has AIDS,
I don't care better and for worse. I ain't living with nobody with AIDS.
then u and MS P are a match made in heaven!!!

u know what.. ur the worse discriminting SOB i ever met! gawd u reek of crap!!!

u know u made me mad now i can't type right!
javapride said:
then u and MS P are a match made in heaven!!!

u know what.. ur the worse discriminting SOB i ever met! gawd u reek of crap!!!

u know u made me mad now i can't type right!

but I don't have to stay with that person for WORST, no way

it said for better and for worse, not worst... sheesh.

there is some limit there, you know... :P
Miss P is right, You just dont see how right wing republicans are.All you people understand is liberalism. Thats why our country is going down the tubes is because of liberalism. Lets face it. Todays democrats are nothing like thomas jefferson democrats. Theyre Anti free speech,Anti religion,Anti death penalty,Anti military,Anti Family values and Pro Abortion.If you just listen to rush limbaughs radio show youll learn the real truth about the liberal DNC.
I'm glad the manager won the case. There was no reason to fire themn anyway.