Ever wonder how the movie directors goofed up a movie?


New Member
May 1, 2003
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Ever noticed any mistakes when you watch a movie?

Head on over to the site with a lot of movie fuck-ups and find out for yourselves that directors are human after all.

Be warned that SPOILERS lurk in this site so surf at yer own risk! :D
well yeah movies are movies...they are never meant to be perfect or show what it should meant to be shown all the time... lots of actors and actress forget a line or two...some lighting effects could have an error...some computer animated graphics would be put in the wrong place...some ppl would move funny or not acting what she/he supposed to be acting of...stuff like that.
Originally posted by sablescort
Ever noticed any mistakes when you watch a movie?

Head on over to the site with a lot of movie fuck-ups and find out for yourselves that directors are human after all.

Be warned that SPOILERS lurk in this site so surf at yer own risk! :D

Yeah, I've been to that site heaps of times just to see what mistakes were made in the recent movies, etc. :) Thought it was quite entertaining realising the mistakes that I didn't notice when viewing the movie. :Oops: