EU's stand against gay executions


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Mar 23, 2005
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22nd June 2007 13:35 writer

The Intergroup on Gay and Lesbian Rights welcomed news that the European Commission intends to mark the 10th October of every year as the European Day Against the Death Penalty.

Several nations retain the death sentence as punishment for homosexuality.

In July 2005 two gay teenagers were publicly executed in Iran for the "crime of homosexuality."

According to Iranian human rights campaigners, over 4,000 lesbians and gay men have been executed since the Ayatollahs seized power in 1979

The draft proposal submitted by the Commission yesterday aims to support the World Day against the Death Penalty.

If the draft is adopted by the Council and the European Parliament, the European Day will be organised jointly with the Council of Europe.

The Intergroup welcomed the Commission's leadership on the issue.

"Marking the 10th October of every year as a European Day Against the Death Penalty would do much to reaffirm the shared European values on this issue," Michael Cashman, MEP for the West Midlands, explained.

"Within the LGBT community, we are all too aware of the irreversible nature of this punishment.

"Too many countries still penalise same-sex sexual relations, and many of them have in place provisions whereby LGBT people risk the death penalty for simply being who they are."

"Still too many countries with which the European Union maintains diplomatic and commercial links are engaging in this outrageous violation of basic human rights," MEP Raul Romeva added.

"I welcome this initiative to focus on the continuing struggle to abolish the death penalty. I also hope the initiative will be followed up with open and frank talks led by the Commission and the Council to seek abolition of the death penalty from countries like Afghanistan, Iran, Mauritania, Sudan, and many others who still penalise same-sex sexual relations with the death penalty."

EU's stand against gay executions- from Pink News- all the latest gay news from the gay community - Pink News
It's wonderful news... :thumb:

It's good to know that the government take care of other countries where there're death penatly are around.

It's very wrong to excute gays...
It's wonderful news... :thumb:

It's good to know that the government take care of other countries where there're death penatly are around.

It's very wrong to excute gays...

That's true...

I'm in bad rant about Iran killed 4,000 homosexual people since 1979, that is biggest mistake.
This reminds me of the porn star execution article. :roll:

You might be interested to know that during the live broadcast of Iranian President Ahmadinejad speaking at Columbia University, he said that there are no homosexuals in Iran. He said, "We don't have that problem like you do in America."

Wow, the audience just roared with laughter!

He said that just a few minutes ago, so there is no transcript that I can link yet. There should be more in the press about his statements tonight.

You might be interested to know that during the live broadcast of Iranian President Ahmadinejad speaking at Columbia University, he said that there are no homosexuals in Iran. He said, "We don't have that problem like you do in America."

Wow, the audience just roared with laughter!

He said that just a few minutes ago, so there is no transcript that I can link yet. There should be more in the press about his statements tonight.

Wow, without doubt, Iranian president is just lie and offensive at us, when compare with USA and Iran.

There's homosexual in Iran, it is mostly from closed closet, ugh at president in Iran.

Life in America is FAR BETTER than Iran.

Thanks for posting here about Iranian president.

You might be interested to know that during the live broadcast of Iranian President Ahmadinejad speaking at Columbia University, he said that there are no homosexuals in Iran. He said, "We don't have that problem like you do in America."

Wow, the audience just roared with laughter!

He said that just a few minutes ago, so there is no transcript that I can link yet. There should be more in the press about his statements tonight.
My god!!! Thats mean!! I dont understand why Columbia University let it HAPPEN!! Damn that university!!
I hope they will not kill any more gay/lesbains in near future, they're innocent and they chose what they have the passion for their lives. I have heard some closet gays living in the arab countries, so tough luck to him.
Iran and other country like Iran sounds like more immature. Honestly... :roll:
The story is now on the web:

"...And the Iranian leader denied that homosexuality existed in his country when asked to explain the execution of homosexuals in Iran.

'In Iran we don't have homosexuals like in your country,' he said, to laughter and boos from the audience. 'In Iran we do not have this phenomenon. I don't know who's told you that we have this....'" - Ahmadinejad Speaks During Controversial Appearance at Columbia University - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
The story is now on the web:

"...And the Iranian leader denied that homosexuality existed in his country when asked to explain the execution of homosexuals in Iran.

'In Iran we don't have homosexuals like in your country,' he said, to laughter and boos from the audience. 'In Iran we do not have this phenomenon. I don't know who's told you that we have this....'" - Ahmadinejad Speaks During Controversial Appearance at Columbia University - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News

Well if they don't think there is any homosexuals in their country, then why they set up a such law about the homosexuals? Why should they worry about the homosexual if they don't have homosexuals in their country? What about those 4,000 homosexuals was put in death penalty in their country?

I see the Iranian leader is too ego to be honestly. :roll:
Well if they don't think there is any homosexuals in their country, then why they set up a such law about the homosexuals? Why should they worry about the homosexual if they don't have homosexuals in their country? What about those 4,000 homosexuals was put in death penalty in their country?

I see the Iranian leader is too ego to be honestly. :roll:
Maybe he meant that there are not many homosexuals left alive in his country because they killed them.
Maybe he meant that there are not many homosexuals left alive in his country because they killed them.

*sigh* Murder is farr more wrongful action... :( I guess people are taking the religion so serious and ignore our human beings.
AFA is continue to offense at homosexual and Ford, I don't like Donald's answer about reason on sale loss from Ford, it's obviously from high gas price and lacking of support on efficient fuel saving vehicles.

AFA ActionAlert

He said that homosexual don't have power to protect Ford from threaten boycott.

Fuck to AFA, fuck to Donald and AFA need to be shut down so badly, too much offensive at me and other gay people.
The story is now on the web:

"...And the Iranian leader denied that homosexuality existed in his country when asked to explain the execution of homosexuals in Iran.

'In Iran we don't have homosexuals like in your country,' he said, to laughter and boos from the audience. 'In Iran we do not have this phenomenon. I don't know who's told you that we have this....'" - Ahmadinejad Speaks During Controversial Appearance at Columbia University - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News

What an uneducation and ignorant he is... *shake my head*
AFA is continue to offense at homosexual and Ford, I don't like Donald's answer about reason on sale loss from Ford, it's obviously from high gas price and lacking of support on efficient fuel saving vehicles.

AFA ActionAlert

He said that homosexual don't have power to protect Ford from threaten boycott.

Fuck to AFA, fuck to Donald and AFA need to be shut down so badly, too much offensive at me and other gay people.

:roll: If we, GLBT Folks, can't help Fords, then it's Fords's OWN problem!
:roll: If we, GLBT Folks, can't help Fords, then it's Fords's OWN problem!

Are you going to help Ford? I have no idea, both of Ford and GLBT aren't related.

Ford is just suffers from financial issue, it was from high gas price and lacking of support on environment friendly vehicles, plus Ford was suffered in 80's and 90's too, I know that by far and it wasn't from AFA, Donald's statement is FALSE.

AFA is used to threaten boycott at Disney in 1996 but they gave up in 2005, that's 9 years of unsuccessful and Disney is just don't care and ignore AFA's request then Disney won.
Are you going to help Ford? I have no idea, both of Ford and GLBT aren't related.

Ford is just suffers from financial issue, it was from high gas price and lacking of support on environment friendly vehicles, plus Ford was suffered in 80's and 90's too, I know that by far and it wasn't from AFA, Donald's statement is FALSE.

AFA is used to threaten boycott at Disney in 1996 but they gave up in 2005, that's 9 years of unsuccessful and Disney is just don't care and ignore AFA's request then Disney won.

lol ofc no I am not helping Ford as far as I know Ford are one of bad autos and plus that is why Ford have too many cheapy cars compare to other cars, also those cars from Ford don't live for very long.

About Disney, *sigh*, it is STILL Ford's own problem...
I agree it is wrong to kill people just because they are gays.

I saw the Live Iran President's presentation. What a fucking pathetic he is! I think the USA government should bust him while he is in USA. I know USA government will not to do that because of law. Obviously, he is in denial about homosexuality. I can tell that he is gay too from my gut feeling.
lol ofc no I am not helping Ford as far as I know Ford are one of bad autos and plus that is why Ford have too many cheapy cars compare to other cars, also those cars from Ford don't live for very long.

About Disney, *sigh*, it is STILL Ford's own problem...

Oh, I don't know that Ford is bad auto.

My favorite brand car is Honda, Toyota and Mini Cooper.