no. far far far far far from it. we didn't even begin the first step yet.
we're still in rocket engine phase.... which is considered as a very primitive technology (like Ford Model T) to Star Trekkers. Once we've reached the warp engine phase.... then we are definitely getting closer.... normally - what defines the humanity's advancement is the energy/power technology. our battery technology is still stuck since 1900's and we're still using fossil fuel!!!
to put it in perspective.... if we are anywhere closer to star trek technology.... our iPhone battery would last 3 weeks without recharge... and all our cars would be battery-powered.... and a mega-metropolitan city (like NYC) is capable of powering itself (ie... right now - we have dozens of nuclear power plants to power entire USA. in the future - all major cities would power itself with its own power source and each state would be able to power itself as well... a decentralized power system because energy has gotten cheap and efficient).