Enquiring about TTY equipments


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Dec 30, 2009
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Respected sir,
I am a student of Atal Bihari Vajpayee Indian Institute of Information
Technology and Management, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India pursuing 2nd year of B.Tech in Information and Communication Technology. I , along with 2 of my batchmates are making a business plan about TTY devices. I want to know what are the components inside a TTY equipment and prices of raw components used in making TTY equipment. Hope you would guide me.

Thank you

Yours sincerely
Ashok Ranganathan
TTY equipment is old technology in the USA. It's not as popular as it was before video communication took over. You should be able to buy one real cheap at eBay or Amazon, and then you can take it apart to analyze.

If you're interested in the newest TTY equipment, look at Harris Communications Harris Communications Equipment for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People Products for Deaf People, Hard of Hearing People, Sign Language Books

You can find the names of various manufacturers at that site. Then, you can contact the TTY manufacturers directly for technical specifications.

I hope you get the information you need. :)
TTY (teletypewriter) is a big machine like you see in the newspaper offices back in the forties and fifties. We, Deafies, called this big machine "the big monster". It was very heavy to move the Big Monster to another place like moving to a new home. TTY is antique. Now we have TDD (Telecommunication Device for the Deaf. It is easy to move around and carry with you everywhere. I have one with me here. I am still using it for talking with Deaf people and to relay a messages to hearing people with the relay operators. If you want to experiment on the old TTY and find out how the old machine is ticked to make the machine work. I guess Reba is giving you a good information that you are interest. I do hope you find what you are looking for.

Anyway, I hope you can stay around and learn about us, Deafies. :welcome: to AllDeaf forum. :wave:
I noticed you are from India unless I'm wrote, I suppose deaf technologies are catching up there, right?
TTY (teletypewriter) is a big machine like you see in the newspaper offices back in the forties and fifties. We, Deafies, called this big machine "the big monster". It was very heavy to move the Big Monster to another place like moving to a new home. TTY is antique. Now we have TDD (Telecommunication Device for the Deaf. It is easy to move around and carry with you everywhere. I have one with me here. I am still using it for talking with Deaf people and to relay a messages to hearing people with the relay operators. If you want to experiment on the old TTY and find out how the old machine is ticked to make the machine work. I guess Reba is giving you a good information that you are interest. I do hope you find what you are looking for.

Anyway, I hope you can stay around and learn about us, Deafies. :welcome: to AllDeaf forum. :wave:

See my post about donating old Teletype model 28.
AllDeaf.com - View Single Post - I wonder, do you keep your old TDD/TTY?