Election: Voting overseas


New Member
Apr 3, 2003
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Are any of you going to vote for the Presidential election soon?

As many of you already know, I am living abroad in Norway and married a Norwegian - but I still would like to participate in the election (Still an American, and that will never change). I have heard it is possible to do this while living overseas, but I'd like to know if you have that information.

Liza said:
Are any of you going to vote for the Presidential election soon?

As many of you already know, I am living abroad in Norway and married a Norwegian - but I still would like to participate in the election (Still an American, and that will never change). I have heard it is possible to do this while living overseas, but I'd like to know if you have that information.



That should help you out. Of course you can vote! And once an American, always an American. If you have kids oversea, they automatically become Americans too.
Liza said:
Are any of you going to vote for the Presidential election soon?

As many of you already know, I am living abroad in Norway and married a Norwegian - but I still would like to participate in the election (Still an American, and that will never change). I have heard it is possible to do this while living overseas, but I'd like to know if you have that information.


In 1996, when I was living in Germany, I applied for absentee ballot at my American hometown city hall. They sent the absentee ballot to my address in Germany, and I checked the candidates I wanted, then sent it back to America. It was a very simple process. Just contact your local city hall where you are registered to vote, and ask them to send an absentee ballot, or check with the American Consulate/Embassy.