Easy to say because I have it….


Active Member
Apr 11, 2011
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Let's say that a woman is interested in me. I've a roof under my head. I decide to ask the woman whether she would be interested in me if I lost roof over my head. The woman says yes.

What if I actually lost roof over my head? Will the woman stay with me?

What I'm trying to say is that it's easy for other person to say that they would stay with me if I lost roof over my head because we haven't crossed the bridge.
If a guy told me he had a roof under head and over his head I would wonder what his house looked like.

Are you trying to find out if a woman would stay with you if came down on hard luck? You need to find a woman who love you and not your bank account.
There are alot of women who would take advantage of someone that has a house, especially in the tough times. My uncle was a sucker for a gold digger. Finally got some sense knocked into him and she's gone but his bank account is depleted.

Good defense mechanism but its also going to turn off many potential great ladies who would have not cared if you rented or owned a house. No difference.

Otherwise who cares if one rented or owned a house. As far as I'm concerned losers can own a house that was given to them by their parents and not have a job. I rather date a guy with a job that rented or supported his parents than a guy that didn't work and sits all day doing nothing and owned a house its a no brainer.
That 4-letter word..."Love"....don't pay the rent.....:giggle:....what I'm saying is....I knew a friend that loved her b/f so much....he was a loser...couldn't keep a job and never had any money....they lived from place to place...finally ran out of options and were on the Street....eating out of Dumpsters behind grocery stores.....:shock:...Still, she stuck with him.....:shock:....her parents were devasated....Long story short....takes 2 to tango...and 2 to survive in this economy....If you can't make it then don't drag someone else down to be homeless.....
If a guy told me he had a roof under head and over his head I would wonder what his house looked like.

Are you trying to find out if a woman would stay with you if came down on hard luck? You need to find a woman who love you and not your bank account.

Yes, that is what I'm trying to figure out. Does she love me because I'm Derek or because I've a roof over my head?
I remember in the wayback machine there used to be a kind of story you do not see so much anymore. The "riches to rags" kind of story. It was used by parents to try and terrorize children into being good stewards of their money.

There were lots of real life examples back in the days before the superrich got nice and secure behind protections in the system that would not be there in the true capitalist model they think the rest of us should enjoy. It would be a real pleasure to see some of them fighting the birds and rats over tasty morsels at the dumpster buffet.
You sounded like you don't care about her enough to have a roof over her head.
Yes, that is what I'm trying to figure out. Does she love me because I'm Derek or because I've a roof over my head?

Where did you met the woman , from friends or on the streets? I feel if a person come on too friendly right away it's best to take two steps back . Does this woman have a place to live and a job ? If not that could be a red flag right there.
Go out with her for a couple of years and you will learn a lot about her.
Go out with her for a couple of years and you will learn a lot about her.

I think that is bad advice , the OP could find out what she is like just by the people she hang out with and what kind of places she like to hangout at .
Deafies are "suspicious"....IMO....guessing it's our nature....??....:hmm:...
I think that is bad advice , the OP could find out what she is like just by the people she hang out with and what kind of places she like to hangout at .

I agree and disagree at the same time. He can find out a lot about her in the present and then maybe feel more comfortable about spending more time with her. The bigger picture can take a while. If a person is at a point in life when they have a chunk of stuff, that stuff can become a hindrance.

I have had it happen where the woman I was seeing had the nice house. A few instances of that and I was determined to avoid that at all costs. Talk about a gauntlet to run. After a while it becomes just not worth it. The suspicion and lack of trust are simply insurmountable. Even owning my own more humble pile that was actually worth more dollarwise was not ever enough.

These relationships were not just casual things, my heart took real beatings before realizing that letting go was the only answer. It is a rough analysis to accept. I love smart capable women. Of course those women will put together a living situation they are happy with. They say to themselves now I just need a man to plug into this and I will have it all. Unfortunately us men are not so easy to do that with and then she also finds this whole thing about herself she may not even know is there.

I know this sounds awful but just from experiences I have had it is better that the woman not have what in her perception is more. Of course people are different and all of that.
I have known her for almost a year. We went out twice last year. She is deaf like me. She is currently living with roommates, but they want to move out of state. They hate GA school education for deaf people. They're moving to TX.

I'm trying to decide if I want someone living with me. Sometimes, it may do good. Maybe not. She is deaf and does have some friends in Deaf Community.
if you have to think about it I would say no at this point,but give her options do you want room mate soul mate or love sex marriage
I have known her for almost a year. We went out twice last year. She is deaf like me. She is currently living with roommates, but they want to move out of state. They hate GA school education for deaf people. They're moving to TX.

I'm trying to decide if I want someone living with me. Sometimes, it may do good. Maybe not. She is deaf and does have some friends in Deaf Community.

How often did you see this woman over the year besides going out with her two times ? Does she have a steady job and if she did move in with you and it does not work out will she have some place else to live? If not you may have a hard time getting her to move out. Do you like the people she hangs out with , they'll be coming to see her at your home ?
Does she assume she will be A) paying a fair rent or B) getting to stay for free?
Does she assume she will be A) paying a fair rent or B) getting to stay for free?

Yeah . That should brought up right away and she should help pay for all the bills too including for the grocery . And how many bathrooms are in the house , my ex husband spend forever in the bathroom and I had to kick him out of the bathroom so I could get ready for work.
Derek, ig nore all that.... Truth is....
1) Does she like Turbos
2) Does she know how to sell bikes
3) uh, well you know. Dont worry about the PDS....thats for someone else...lol
Then if you like eachother, nothing hurts to try... just dont let anything or anyone drag you down. Be up front, if it doesnt work out, then its time to see the door and head to Texas.