Ears Hurt Due To The Weather qq


New Member
Oct 2, 2005
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I don't know if it's me, but does anyone else here ever have hurting ears either because it's cold or windy conditions? I've noticed for a few years now that when it's windy, my ears hurt if I don't have them covered. I also noticed that loud noise really hurts my ears, too. Does anyone have any ideas about this? No, it's not an ear infection, that I do know.
Senstive to biometric pressure? Just a wild guess.
I don't know why it happens, but for me the wind hurts my ears.
Yes my ears hurt on a real cold windy day....at the same time my nose will run, my eyes tears up.

and when a high pressure system come by (cold fronts) ears pops

when a low pressure system (hurricanes) ears pop

spring comes my whole sinuses is messed up

so yes.... The weather messes with my head :)
Yep - if it's too windy, or cold, or damp my ears hurt (like an ear infection, but not)

also in "allergy season" I have extra amounts of balance and pressure problems that make me rather uncomfortable at times ...
Perhaps, it's the way your body responds?

There are some people whose bodies respond differently to different weather conditions.

There was a girl in my high school whose hair would get all frizzy if it was going to rain.
my ears are the same too..and since winter here is pretty fierce it sucks!!!
I would have to say cold weather do hurt my ears alot and I have to wear hat or ear muffs to keep my ears warm from cold weather. My ears also pops lot when weather get low pressure or ride in air plane pop my ears so that hurts also. That just about it.
Don't know if I should say I'm glad I'm not the only one, but am relieved to know that I'm not the only one.