

New Member
Jun 29, 2003
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When I was younger, I got new earrings and they were studs. I was pretty worried about losing them, so I closed the back stud into the ear more and more to tighten it and to make sure it didn't fall off. Unfortunately I pushed it into a bit too far and my ear ended up infected and painful. I couldn't remove the earring myself so I had to have an operation by the doctor to remove it.

I was wondering if any of you have had painful experiences with earrings? I've often had infected ear lobes thanks to the earrings. (I apologise also if this is a repost of another thread, I haven't had a chance to read all of them as I'm new to this forum.)

I wear earrings. I can use only real gold...no silvers or fakes earring or i wil obtain infection to the earlobe.

Ive had 3 earrings but now I wear only one. best bet with the earring, get the loop ones not the studs earring i hate those.
ahh earrings LOL ive not wore mine in YEARS with the exception of the little loop ones i have (and quite old) i wore for a weekend wedding in St Louis, MO -- i still have my piercings open 5 i think in left and 4 in right ears -- most of my earrings i had were stolen by my ex gf :o now cant find them anymore -- i cant wear those cheapie earrings or my ears will be infected -- has to be solid gold or stainless steel (i think is called for the earrings that are hypo-allegenic)
It hasn't happened to me...I still have 4 holes on my left ear and 3 in the right...haven't used earrings for years now. :P Ironic because I have a pierced nose and tongue, :lol:
