Dumb phobias and other silly things


King of all I see
Premium Member
Feb 28, 2003
Reaction score
When I first started in these deaf forums 4 or 5 years ago there was only one. I met quite a few people and one of the first was a lady who had a fear of peeps


Of all the damn things to have a fear of. I have tried very hard to get her to join alldeaf but she remembers what it was like here a long time ago. While we used to have some really good posters we also had a lot of fighting and racism.

I told her things have changed here so she came in and took a look. We were talking in AIM and she asked me where the topics with substance were so I gave her the following shortcuts




She has now blocked me as an AIM buddy, go figure :tears:
Freaky has a fear of the boogeyman known as Michael Myers!
some poeple aren't meant to check an site out whilist many flock like a honey to a bee hehehe :)


You can come out from hiding now. :naughty:
I wont do you any harm.... I promise.

See?? I am a perfect :angel: !
:rofl: THATS too funny dixie u just hit it off here in AD ur now our 2nd jester here ROFL!
I know all of Dixie's secrets...... 10 cents per secret :mrgreen: Only 10 cents! What was that? Ok, 3 pennies, but I won't go any further!

And.... Mike Myers is this insane murderer that seems to only come around Halloween and slash n dice a bunch of horny teenagers in a movie. :-o No wonder Freaky's 'fraid of him.... altho she's not a teenager. :nana:
Liza said:
I know all of Dixie's secrets...... 10 cents per secret :mrgreen: Only 10 cents! What was that? Ok, 3 pennies, but I won't go any further!

Err... what secrets? :dunno: :angel:
Dixie said:
Err... what secrets? :dunno: :angel:

Nice try......

lmao, wanted to try that smiley out and you provided such a nice opportunity for it. :-P