

New Member
Jun 1, 2003
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i went over to dreama's haus today to hook up her power. dte is idiots. i didn't realize they'd assimilated michcon but apparently they have. there is a hateful bolt preventing her gas from being turned on. they lied and said they'd turn on her gas last week, but now they're spewing that they'll turn it on tuesday (after she missed half a day of work waiting for those fools).

dreama's too elite for that crap. anyone know how those damn bolts come off? otherwise, i'm going to have to get a few extra blades for a sawzall and go to town. it's hard steel, but i'm sure it'll capitulate.

btw, the rule that someone has to be home to turn the gas on is just ignorant. there is a valve right after the meter that can be turned off. i'm sure dreama can light the pilot in her stove and water heater. dumb. dte is just lazy.
:eek: Hey, dont even think about doing that. It is illegal and you can get BIG fine for that. Whats more it is VERY DANGEROUS to do it yourself to break it to turn the gas on, you could break it & explode the house -- let the professionals do it like GAS COMPANY worker do it.
Originally posted by daprilz
dreama in michigan? do i know you? :-\

yes thats her.. hey you check photo about pic of yerself.. i have some question for you there .
Originally posted by Darlin Tweety
GTE ?? that is phone company lol i think diffrent name in EAST

Darlin, theres a GTE all OVER usa not just east coast and has it for several states has gas sevral states has phone AND several states have Both NOT JUST east coast CA only has SBC and PGE thats it...
Originally posted by javapride
Darlin, theres a GTE all OVER usa not just east coast and has it for several states has gas sevral states has phone AND several states have Both NOT JUST east coast CA only has SBC and PGE thats it...

258 here ex GTE phone company only.. change to Verizon..
dte energy is the power company in s.e. michigan, formerly detroit edison. i'm not worried aboot a gas leak, like i said there's a valve right after the meter, so i can shut the whole thing down if there's a leak. unfortunately i'm a mechanical engineer so i'm far better trained than the guy they'll send over with a wrench and a zippo from the power company. also, my zippo is cooler. ;) it says "UNIVAC" on it because i used to use a univac eons ago. but still, i will give those bozos another chance to show up as scheduled on tuesday before i spend an hour cutting through some super-hard steel that they have the key to.

i just wish there was a way to keep those guys honest because they're really really full of themselves. they're like "you want the gas on, right? make sure someone is there" which is just bunk because they say it's the LAW and frankly i couldn't care less. any company that uses the law to justify their sloth really needs to lose a lot of money and have their executives fired and sent to prison. the michigan public service commission let them assimilate the gas company and they haven't passed any savings to any of us and they haven't actually commonized any of their operations, they're just a more bloated company. the MPSC is idiots anyway. they let ameriwank/sbc have an iron monopoly over phone service here.

anyway, if there IS a problem, i know the gas company's stupid response would be to turn everything off rather than fix anything, whereas if i it was me that was turning the valve and saw a problem, i'd just fix whatever it is. dreama's pipes are way different than the malleable iron in my house, but i'm sure it's simpler to work on them anyway. i ended up replacing a lot of the gas plumbing in my house to install a gas stove because i REFUSE to cook with electric. i really don't think there's a problem w/ dreama's pipes though cuz i scoped the appliances yesterday. those guys at dte bug me, but usually their actual field techs are not bad people, just overmanaged.

anyway, dreama has links, right? :) she's elite. tall too. ;)
:laugh2: supernatem..

that's hilarious.. I know I had to go thru with that :( that's so suck when I had to miss half a day of work waiting for those idiots to show up and turn them ON. Unfortunately they didn't for several days. Im glad you helped to sort things out. I thought DTE should pay for it. We went to Home Depot to purchase a switch for main power (circuit breaker) or something. Which it cost 36 bucks all total (tax included). At least I could get over with it. Now the power is on. Yay.. :ugh:

People.... DTE is electricity company.

Daprilz no you dont know him.. he is hearing. He's a friend of mine

Psst... Supernatem.. I aint ELITE :twisted: Im too dumb. But you are sooo ELITE!

Yes I got DTE link(S)
yay, dreama thinx i'm leet!!! *blush*

that's SO cool!!

wow, her fastest machine is 2x as many megahertz as mine. and she thinks _I_ am leet! whee!
nate [wow!]
yay, dreama thinx i'm leet!!! *blush*

that's SO cool!!

wow, her fastest machine is 2x as many megahertz as mine. and she thinks _I_ am leet! whee!
nate [wow!]
LOL you posted it TWICE... Shame on you NATEM...

My fastest machine like 2 x as yours? mm I havent using it for a year when I bought it :shock:

I used the first one :-D
Natem... here it is... it didn't gone yet.

if you have any thing to say in here.. you may post in here :)
i actually have my fastest machine in my trux. i should bring it in. it's huge though. it's an ultra 2 with dual 296s. roughly 3 instructios per clock cycle. it's faster than all but the g5 and the latest pentiums. it's also 64-bit. hm. i wonder if i should put solaris9 on it tonight while the vidya is playing.
kuifje75... well it is his thread.. he can do whatever he wants.

So let him be.

He was just joking around. Dont take it too personally, k.