Drugs and relationships.


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Oct 1, 2006
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I just dumped my gf of 8 months because she lied and can't resist taking e. She promised me it was a 1 time only thing and because she was really stressed. I tried to be tolerant of it, the next day I find her wired to more drugs (claiming its after-effects of E, whereas E doesn't have after-effects) and ask her again to comfirm "It was a one time only thing right?" I get fed lines "But ... it made me feel alive" "It's orgasmic" It was sickening.

I felt so betrayed. You gotta be kidding me, if she'd rather find happiness in pills she can go choke on them. It's not like it was going too well anyways, she didn't seem too mature about anything. When I was getting my op her way to cope with worry was getting drunk. Her way to handle depression - e and a joint. I don't want to be with anyone who can't handle their emotions maturely. Frankly I didn't want to dump her, she was a great girl except for those facts. It made me rather angry. I tried to talk her out of it, but she tells me I can't tell her to stop living. The fuck does drugs have to do with living? They're a god damn escape from reality.

Any of you guys have to put up with inane bullshit such as? It really left a hole in my gut.
If she can't be happy with you, but only with drugs... then she's not worth it.

It's a good thing you broke up with her. :thumb:
had an ex like that. his excuse was it felt good.. only problem that I saw was, his brain went to hell. because he was more of a jerk on drugs than off drugs. I got fed up.
I just dumped my gf of 8 months because she lied and can't resist taking e. She promised me it was a 1 time only thing and because she was really stressed. I tried to be tolerant of it, the next day I find her wired to more drugs (claiming its after-effects of E, whereas E doesn't have after-effects) and ask her again to comfirm "It was a one time only thing right?" I get fed lines "But ... it made me feel alive" "It's orgasmic" It was sickening.

I felt so betrayed. You gotta be kidding me, if she'd rather find happiness in pills she can go choke on them. It's not like it was going too well anyways, she didn't seem too mature about anything. When I was getting my op her way to cope with worry was getting drunk. Her way to handle depression - e and a joint. I don't want to be with anyone who can't handle their emotions maturely. Frankly I didn't want to dump her, she was a great girl except for those facts. It made me rather angry. I tried to talk her out of it, but she tells me I can't tell her to stop living. The fuck does drugs have to do with living? They're a god damn escape from reality.

Any of you guys have to put up with inane bullshit such as? It really left a hole in my gut.

Aw, I'm sorry about that.. I honsetly never have experience it before but --yeah.. I heard some were from the common stories in the between of any relationship and drugs. It's getting annoy when they claim it way (lame excuses of course..) when they are *NOT*. Sometimes, a person stucks with his/her lover with lot-of/some drugs that would make drive him/her crazy. :/ it's really suck to see them like that.. BUT! Hey, I think -- maybe you can find a semi-sober girl/boy (i dont know if you are straight or bi ^^;;) or a sober person because it may be good relationship. Thought? I meant, why not? Just wonder.
Her taking E hurt pretty bad. I told her I wish I could have made her happy when she was on it, instead of her resorting to a pill and she said "Me too" I try to be tolerant in relationships and make them work, but for some reason I seem to always end up with immature chicks... When I got together with her I wasn't even looking for a relationship and it just happened =/ we clicked for awhile.... but I think for the most part it was infauation for her.
Aw, I'm sorry about that.. I honsetly never have experience it before but --yeah.. I heard some were from the common stories in the between of any relationship and drugs. It's getting annoy when they claim it way (lame excuses of course..) when they are *NOT*. Sometimes, a person stucks with his/her lover with lot-of/some drugs that would make drive him/her crazy. :/ it's really suck to see them like that.. BUT! Hey, I think -- maybe you can find a semi-sober girl/boy (i dont know if you are straight or bi ^^;;) or a sober person because it may be good relationship. Thought? I meant, why not? Just wonder.

(i dont know if you are straight or bi ^^;; ) **

sorry for double posts.. cos it wont let me edit it.
Straight =/... bleh lol

ooo ok you are straight XD

but are you talking to me? because of this?: : "Her taking E hurt pretty bad. I told her I wish I could have made her happy when she was on it, instead of her resorting to a pill and she said "Me too" I try to be tolerant in relationships and make them work, but for some reason I seem to always end up with immature chicks... When I got together with her I wasn't even looking for a relationship and it just happened =/ we clicked for awhile.... but I think for the most part it was infauation for her."

sorry for confusion. heh
It is not your fault, it was your girlfriend's because she chose drugs over you.
What causes your girlfriend the stress?
Sometimes dating people who are into drugs aren't good idea to begin a relationship with. She prefers drugs over you, thats sad. I hope you will find someone better who is drug free.
If she can't be happy with you, but only with drugs... then she's not worth it.

It's a good thing you broke up with her. :thumb:

Yeah agree! Especially Stay away from people who use "coke" and will use up all the money Gone.!! :eek2:

Someday You will meet a right Gal.!!! ;):):)
dark, Good things that you dumped her quicky. She would use your $$$ instead of you for spend time on drugs and she will be more depend on you for help, becasue She know you are weakness area.

anyway, why not you go church to find someone better who is drug free like maria. Ha! Just kidding..
Yep, I've been in a relationship with a guy who was on heavy drugs and alcohol, He hide it from me at the begin of our relationship for about six months, then we moved in together I started to realized his issue with drugs and alcohol, I even helped him get on a program AA, I actually thought he was gonna quit, but then after his 12 step program was thru, he went back on drinking and end up with two DUI, I bailed him out of jail twice, then he was busted on drugs, I said hell with it, I'm leaving. Lol. It was too much bullshit, I couldn't deal with it anymore. I am a very patient person when I can be, but this was just about too much I could handle with him, so I decide to break it off with him, it was the best decision I've made. ;)
dark, Good things that you dumped her quicky. She would use your $$$ instead of you for spend time on drugs and she will be more depend on you for help, becasue She know you are weakness area.

anyway, why not you go church to find someone better who is drug free like maria. Ha! Just kidding..
Dark half, OOps, my bad.. I wish that i edit my grammar before post on this.. my bad.. HA!

EDIT: I mean she know your weakness area. ;)
I am sorry to hear about your situation, but you will find a right gal!

It happened to me when I was with my ex girlfriend. She used drugs with her friends for a couple of weeks without me know. Once she admitted to me, I was done with her quickly.
not relationship but had roommate who is in drug. I kick them out. bark bark grrr!
I just dumped my gf of 8 months because she lied and can't resist taking e. She promised me it was a 1 time only thing and because she was really stressed. I tried to be tolerant of it, the next day I find her wired to more drugs (claiming its after-effects of E, whereas E doesn't have after-effects) and ask her again to comfirm "It was a one time only thing right?" I get fed lines "But ... it made me feel alive" "It's orgasmic" It was sickening.

I felt so betrayed. You gotta be kidding me, if she'd rather find happiness in pills she can go choke on them. It's not like it was going too well anyways, she didn't seem too mature about anything. When I was getting my op her way to cope with worry was getting drunk. Her way to handle depression - e and a joint. I don't want to be with anyone who can't handle their emotions maturely. Frankly I didn't want to dump her, she was a great girl except for those facts. It made me rather angry. I tried to talk her out of it, but she tells me I can't tell her to stop living. The fuck does drugs have to do with living? They're a god damn escape from reality.

Any of you guys have to put up with inane bullshit such as? It really left a hole in my gut.


You are too good of a guy to be bothered by a broad like her. You have a lot to offer and this broad, woman, whatever you want to call her, decides she wants drugs instead. Possibly even a prison sentence if she's caught.

You deserve better than this. What kind of women do you admire? Think about that!