Drinking Games


New Member
Mar 6, 2003
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What drinking games do you play or know about??

I found a few websites with drinking games but what is popular? also I hear people create their own games.......please let me know :)Drinking Games Link :beer:

I have seen a boardgame called Passed Out.
BabyPhat21 said:
What drinking games do you play or know about??

I was at a party this past weekend, and they did play a drinking game. What it is called, I don't know.

The set of cards only has queens, kings, jesters, aces, 10s and 9s.
I might be wrong here, so feel free to correct me here:

9s - Bring your bottles to the middle of the table. Last person to bring his bottle has to drink from his bottle.
10s- Name of a brand or an item (ex. states) then each player takes turn to name a brand until someone repeats a name or is unable to name, then has to drink from his bottle.
Js- Request a Truth to the person to your right
Qs- Request a Dare to the person to your left
Ks- Pour some of your drink into the glass on the middle of table. The player who picks the 4th K has to drink from that glass.
As- Make a new rule for game

Make sense? If a person refuses to do a dare or tell a truth, he has to drink too. If a rule is broken in the game, then the player has to drink. For example, if there is no signing rule imposed, every time a player signs, he has to drink.
I've played many drinking games, but some of them are named differently from what's listed on the webpage above.
UMMMMM.......... I Dunno what to say here BUT, i think this is a repost for some reason i seen this title before! hummmm
i remmy playing "quarters" where u gotta get a quarter into a shotglass -- if the player misses he/she has to drink, if the player gets the quarter into the shotglass the player chooses the person to drink
javapride said:
UMMMMM.......... I Dunno what to say here BUT, i think this is a repost for some reason i seen this title before! hummmm
Hmm... I did a search and can't find anything. If you find one, let me know... and I'll gladly merge it with the original. :thumb:
I've played Beer Pong, Circle of Death, Baseball, Devil's Advocate, Flip-The-Cup, and some others. Some of the names I mentioned are not the same as listed on the webpage.
VamPyroX said:
I've played Beer Pong, Circle of Death, Baseball, Devil's Advocate, Flip-The-Cup, and some others. Some of the names I mentioned are not the same as listed on the webpage.
well people are creative so please describe the game you played
BabyPhat21 said:
well people are creative so please describe the game you played
Beer Pong: can be a team game, a table, 6 cups on each side, 12 cups total, cups form triangle, ping pong ball is used, can bounce or throw, if ball lands in cup, opposing team must drink out of that cup, etc.

Circle of Death: a card game, cards are lined up in a circle but not apart, cards are drawn, each card results in a specific action, actions include (dare, new rule, penalty drink, waterfall, question-to-question, etc), breaking the circle (separating the circle) results in drinking full bottle, etc

Baseball: a card game, 10 cards are lined up, 5 cards on one side and 5 cards on another side, one player picks column of 5 cards to be used as self-penalty usage, cards are dealt with guesses, first guess is red/black, second guess is higher/lower, third guess is higher/lower/middle, fourth guess is odd/even or suit, 10 cards are now played, if number matches, that amount is drunk, first pair is 3 sip, second pair is 5 sips, third pair is 7 sips, fourth pair is half a bottle, fifth pair is full bottle

Devil's Advocate: a card game, cards are dealt randomly to each player in circle, if card match from one player to next then chain is made, card matches by suit or number, if matches continues then all are included in chain, if card is finally different then chain is broken, if chain is broken then all who were in chain have to drink

Flip-The-Cup: self explanatory, a team game, equal number of players on both side of table, cups are filled full or half way, one person begins game with signal, both sides begin in order from first player to last, first starts drinking the drink, when drink is empty then put cup back down at edge of table, use fingers to flip the cup over upside down, if cup fails then try again, if cup succeeds then go to next player in line, last person to flip cup successfully wins
BabyPhat21 said:
good to know with new year coming up :beer:
Yep! However, I don't think I will be doing these things during New Years Eve. :(
of course I did a several drinking game way back in 1995 to 96 in St. Paul, Minnesota which I can't remeber what kind of drinking game. oh well too bad for me.
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