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In a way, I agree with him. If we have to go to war, we should be expected to support the United States by joining the army. If the president doesn't want to force people to join the army, he should avoid the war. It's like something that would make the president think twice before jumping to conclusions and going to war.
Uhh this is a old article? like an year old??!?!?!

But I do support the draft, fair is fair... do your duty for your own country.
Cricket said:
Uhh this is a old article? like an year old??!?!?!

But I do support the draft, fair is fair... do your duty for your own country.

It is a new article. Draft will be risky because not all young men like to be into a war. There will be more accidents because they are not trained to handle military equipment. I think if the President has to draft, the untrained men will probably end up in secreterial work like some of my relatives during the Vietnam War.
Well, we are not doing too bad currently, considering our armed forces are voluntary....
It is really old... Almost one year old

the article was published on January 27, 2003.

You can see the date of published article at the top of article.
I must have overlooked the date lol The war is long over.
tekkmortal said:
....There will be more accidents because they are not trained to handle military equipment...the untrained men will probably end up in secreterial work.
All service men and women are trained before they use any military equipment, or even do "secretarial" work. No one is assigned a duty without some training first.
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