Don't forget if you have trailer behind your truck LOL !!!!

Yeah, I saw that video before and thought that was crazy!
Yeah I saw that in CNN last week or so. Brand new truck and trailer are trashed ouch!
insurance wont cover that... because it is driver's fault (ofc unless it is full insurance then maybe he get lucky) but i honestly dont think insurance would cover for that mistake.. only cover the damage of bank? dont know how insurance works *shrugs*
I saw that last week... crazy!

That reminds me of an episode on The Simpsons where Homer was arrested and placed in a huge police van. Sadly, the driver wanted food... so he went through a drive-thru. Since the truck was too big, he tried to go around it... crashed. ;)
Thanks goodness I wasnt under that roof. Too bad for the damage trailer but I wouldnt pull that with my truck. Rather a popup or trail manor camper. :D
According to Miller he was circling the bank to park on the other side when the corner of his travel trailer caught the corner of the bank awning. Next thing he heard was a rumble as the awning started falling against his driver's side door. Somehow he was able to unbuckle the seat beat and exit the other side of his truck as it was falling.

wow he must be super fast to do that. sounds like he planned this in advance for... insurance fraud. you know... high gas cost... mortgage bubble burst... etc.
Wow, he's supposed to to parking outside and come in bank, don't bother go to drive thru due height limitation.
Wow! The Driver need to attention at height. I think the driver with rv hauling go to gas at "Love's Gas station or Semi Truck's gas station instead of regular gas station.