Dog Retirement

I can't really like this. Dogs are family members and it's really sad for their families to abandon them due to old age and disability.
unable get link..what advert say

I found this link but it has no 'CC' .

This is a great idea ! My city had a real cool ACO , she rode around town looking for lost or abandoned pets . She found 2 senior dogs that were dumped off at gas station and she took them back to the shelter . The ACO thinks the owner may had die or gone into a nursing home and the family didn't want to care for the poor dogs. I met the dogs and they were so sweet , and they both got adopted together . The ACO didn't want to separate the dogs b/c they already lost their home and owner ACO =Animals Control Officer. I wish we had this in my city too.
I could never understand when I been to States I seen people standing outside stores or on street selling pups that illegal here and honestly say I never seen stray dogs
marelous woman and her home so clean and tidy..the stairway to heaven that's lovely
I could never understand when I been to States I seen people standing outside stores or on street selling pups that illegal here and honestly say I never seen stray dogs

People steal puppies and small dogs to get money to buy drugs or sell the dogs to labs to do horrible testing on them . The police warned people in my city to not leave their dogs alone in cars for this reason.
the cops arrest them here if seen and thank god they do but punishment don't always fit the crime
My doggie is 7....(49 in human years)...and her life expectancy is 14....I pray and hope she will pass before I do...All my other doggies passed at home, except for 2, which had to be put to sleep (medically/old age/disease)....Feel she will be my last doggie....and I could not trust anyone to be good and kind to her in her old age.....Plus, she has never been apart from me, only for 2-3 weeks (hospital/rehab), but I had the boys bring her up to see me 1-2 times a week....

Breaks my heart that people can just throw out a dog/cat because of their old age!....They love us...we're their family....
One problem is that kids buy a pet for their elderly parents and they get to sick to care for them anymore and the family does not want the pet.
I had a client that was in W/C and was not able to get outside on his own and his daughter gave him a dog . I went to vacuum the rug in the living room and there was piles of poop on it. I was :shock: ! My company did not want health aides picking dog poop it was not part our job , I would had taken the dog out but my client had no lawn it was all mud . I was like WT? was the daughter thinking ? Family members should stop and think how a dog will life and how old and what health their parent is in before giving them any pet to keep them company . Buy them a nice TV instead.
my dear old cat passed this year I no get another for much same reasons as you both. I don't want it outliving me