Dog escapes at National Dog Show....

Hard to tell but I can tell she picked dog up and comfort dog. It's ok. She feels embarrassed because of other dogs who behaves well and fearless. Guess dog took after dogs masters fear :lol:
I agree the woman was going overboard with the crying. I saw part of the show and when the judge was checking over the bloodhound it was very cute.
The dog let a howl out that sounded like he said '"OH" and the judge smiled . I think the bloodhound brownnose the judge b/c he won.
When Finlay was getting his photo taken with all the service dogs that pass their training one dog got up from the group of dogs and decided to take a little stroll so my dog , Finlay decided to join the dog and we end having dogs going off in difference directions . The photographer spend about 25 minutes getting 25 dog to sit and stay and he did not cry when they got up , he thought it was funny and I did too.