ASL (American Sign Language) that signs made with the hands and other movements, including facial expressions and postures of the body,,
I noticed that some Deaf people aren't as good with English grammar or spelling, I am wondering if ASL Had something to do with it? Or is it because, of what school they attended; their parents or not learning how to pronunce words?
I do keep in mind that each child is different and their needs individual.. But, I also think that English communcation/grammer is very important goal in their life also, It is the way of commucate we have to understand each other to know what each other are saying.
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I noticed that some Deaf people aren't as good with English grammar or spelling, I am wondering if ASL Had something to do with it? Or is it because, of what school they attended; their parents or not learning how to pronunce words?
I do keep in mind that each child is different and their needs individual.. But, I also think that English communcation/grammer is very important goal in their life also, It is the way of commucate we have to understand each other to know what each other are saying.
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