Do you think parents should have the right to tattoo their kids?

Do you think parents should have the right to tattoo their kids?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 10.0%
  • No

    Votes: 35 87.5%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 1 2.5%

  • Total voters


Prayers for my dad.
Premium Member
Nov 24, 2003
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A mother and father were arrested and charged with cruelty to children, they had tattooed their kids with a homemade tattoo gun, so I'm asking you all do you think parents have that right to tattoo their kids? ;)
Tattooing their children? That's just cruel.
Tattoos are permanent (I do know about laser removal) But, I believe the kids should wait until they are 18 to make that decision if they want one or not because they are too young to give legally consent for this procedure. ;)
No, and this apply to drinking and smoking or any adult situations . These kids are just not ready for these type of personal decision. It's the adults making the decision for them.
I voted no with the exception if it was an adult child and the parent was a tattoo artist.
My opinion, their kids should be 14 or 15 and above if parents allow them to have a tattoo.
I know a couple that tattooed their own baby. :|

And I vote "no."

For Real??????????.....Good lord man! That's horrific!. Did they take the baby away?....Can't believe anybody would put a small baby thru pain becuz they want them to have a "tattoo"!...
Kinda sounds like SOME big D deafies over CI implantation in if they could take away that right of the parents.....
For Real??????????.....Good lord man! That's horrific!. Did they take the baby away?....Can't believe anybody would put a small baby thru pain becuz they want them to have a "tattoo"!...

For real. The dad used to be the president of a society I volunteered for two years ago.
Parents Arrested for Giving Their Kids Home Tattoos - ParentDish

Patty Jo Marsh and Jacob Bartels have tattoos. They decided that six of their children should have them as well. But tattooing children is illegal in Georgia, as is giving tattoos without a license, according to the Atlanta Journal Constitution. The couple was arrested on December 28th and charged with tattooing and reckless conduct, both misdemeanors, and cruelty to children, which is a felony, according to the arrest report. They were released on December 29th on a $10,000 property bond.

According to the Chattanooga Times Free Press, the homemade tattoo machine Marsh and Bartels used is made from "electrical cord, spliced wiring and a guitar string for a needle." The Free Press reports that Marsh and Bartels used the machine on themselves the same day, all with the same needle/guitar string.

The couple has seven children in their care, ages 17, 15, 12, 11, 11, 10 and 7. The 7-year-old did not receive a tattoo because Marsh and Bartels decided he was "too young," Chattooga County Sheriff John Everett told the Free Press in an interview. Everett also said that he thought this case was "unusual," and that he has "never seen parents tattooing their kids like that."

The six children received their tats after Thanksgiving; Marsh said that the children wanted to get them so they could be like their parents, according to the Journal Constitution. Marsh is not the biological mother of all seven children ( describes the household as a "blended family"); Sheriff Everett told the Free Press that one of the 11-year-olds was visiting his biological mother after Christmas when the mother noticed the tattoo, described as "a small X," on her daughter's hand. The child claimed the tattoo was temporary, according to the Sheriff, and when the mother couldn't wash it off, she called Georgia's Division of Family and Children Services, who notified police.

The children were temporarily removed from Marsh and Bartel's custody and were quickly returned. Marsh is quoted in published reports as saying, "If I'm such a bad parent, then how come they brought the kids back right after I got out jail?" Marsh said that she didn't know that tattooing without a license is illegal in Georgia, nor was she aware that it is illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to get a tattoo.

Except that not knowing the law is not a defense, or as lawyers put it, "Ignorantia juris non excusat." The bottom line in this case is that laws were broken in Georgia, and there may be legal consequences. Bad parenting, however, is not illegal anywhere.

Would you let one of your children under 18 get a tattoo?

This second link has a video and an image of the Tattoo..

Parents Arrested For Tattooing Children

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Parents Arrested For Tattooing Kids
Investigators say couple endangered children.

Updated: Saturday, 02 Jan 2010, 9:25 PM PST
Published : Saturday, 02 Jan 2010, 9:24 PM PST


George Franko

Posted by: Scott Coppersmith /

Chattooga, GA - A couple is out of jail on bond after being arrested for tattooing six of their children. Investigators say they put their children in danger, but they say they did nothing wrong.

Investigators in Georgia, where this happened, said a plastic pen body with a needle made of a guitar string connected to an electric motor was used to tattoo six children.

John Everett / Chattooga County Sheriff
"It's a painful procedure with a crude instrument."

Chattooga County Sheriff John Everett said five children got a cross like tattoo on their hands, the oldest boy, a tattoo of "mom and dad" on his arm.

John Everett / Chattooga County Sheriff
"7-years-old to 17. The 7-year-old's the one that didn't' receive a tattoo. They determined he was too young."

Pattyjo Marsh / Mother
"I'm not breaking their skin, it's right there, it's going to fade away. It's like a pen mark."

Sheriff Everett said investigators came after receiving a complaint from the biological mother of two of the children complaining about the tattoos.

Pattyjo Marsh / Mother
They wanted it. They asked me. It wasn't like I tattooed them for life! I did not do that, I would never do that."

Patty Marsh and her husband are charged with three counts each of illegal tattooing, second degree child cruelty and reckless conduct.

The sheriff said he's concerned if the same guitar string needle was used each time.

Pattyjo Marsh / Mother
"the guitar string that you use in the homemade gun we changed it out every time."

Pattyjo Marsh said they are now preparing to go to court.

Pattyjo Marsh / Mother
"We didn't do anything wrong. I still don't think we did anything wrong."
I see Many parents having their babies ears pierced..
I see many parents having their sons circumsized. That is not against the law.

A few examples of depending on who your parents are...
Well it depends on where you live, in some states it is illegal for anyone besides a license professional to tattoo kids (with parental approval), and that's why the parents were arrested because they tattoo their kids without a license. They use the same needle on those kids, and that is very risky.
I don't think many of us want a permanent body art that our parent gave us unwillingly. For all I know, they could be tattooing a bloody knife..or a cross. It cost a fortune to have them remove.
I don't think many of us want a permanent body art that our parent gave us unwillingly. For all I know, they could be tattooing a bloody knife..or a cross. It cost a fortune to have them remove.

What about Circumcision? It is something they can not replace.

Perhaps.. some people do not consider that as taboo.

Don't get me wrong.. I had my daughters ears pierced when she was an infant.. had my son circumcised as an infant.

Does that make me a horrible parent??
What about Circumcision? It is something they can not replace.

Perhaps.. some people do not consider that as taboo.

Don't get me wrong.. I had my daughters ears pierced when she was an infant.. had my son circumcised as an infant.

Does that make me a horrible parent??

what about it? Some people think it have health benefit from it, religious isn't the only reasons why they do it. Plus, it is easier to be done when you are an infant. Some guys who never had it done decide to have it done because of frequent UTI or something like. They didn't really like the feel of it after it (and I'm talking about sex life). If done as a child, it wouldn't make a different to them because there is nothing miss.

as piercing on children, I don't agree with that either, but you can take off the earrings. I didn't get my ears pierced until I beg my mother for one. I know some parents do it to help their child look more feminine. I definitely don't think parents should be piercing their tongue and such. To me, that the same as tattooed body art which should be a personal decision (when they are adults). It's not the parent's place to add art to their child's body.

In other culture, they would pierce their child's ear. and stretch it until it get huge. I think it's cruel and hope they will no long find it attractive anymore.
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GA Parents Arrested for Tattooing 6 Kids.

I came across this on CNN but there was no transcripts so I did a google and came up with this article from which is the source of this article.
GA parents arrested for tattooing kids

CHATTOOGA CO, GA (NBC) - A Georgia mother accused of tattooing her own children is defending her actions.

"We were making it look like it was a cross," said Jo-Jo Marsh, "so the kids could have something they could say it was."

The mark is a cross-like symbol left by a home-made tattoo gun with a guitar string as a needle.

"We didn't even break the skin barely," said Marsh, "they are very tiny, just through a few layers, on the top, they will fade away, that's how minuscule this is."

Marsh and her husband, Jacob Bartels, face child cruelty charges after detectives found the same mark on six of the couple's seven children.

One of the tattooed children is just 10 years-old.

"There was a seven year-old child that they determined was too young for the tattoo at this time," said Chattooga County Sheriff John Everett.

The couple's 17 year-old has a larger tattoo on the arm.

Marsh admits her husband used the gun to draw it too, but insists she tested it first to make sure her children were not harmed.

"These tattoos are so minuscule, they will fade away," said Marsh.

Marsh says she didn't know it was illegal to tattoo children in the state of Georgia.

"Oh God no," she responded, "that's why I was tripping so hard, that's why I was so upset."

Marsh defends her actions saying the kids were begging for tattoos like hers.

She insists that she changed the needle each time.

Marsh believes as the children's guardian, she should have the right to tattoo them if she chooses.

"Shouldn't I have say so over what goes on in my child's life," said Marsh, "I have custody of my child, I'm not going to hurt my child."

The Department of Family and Children's Services has stepped in to investigate the tattooing that Sheriff deputies estimate to have happened around Thanksgiving.

The children were removed from the home temporarily, but Marsh says her children were released back to her under a parent plan until case heads to court.

I think the parents should have checked with laws before doing this.

If I were a parent, I'd have a professional do this and I'd not let my kids do this till they're at least 15 years old.