do we Deafies have more in common with Disabilty, then we think?


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2003
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Found this article on a site I lurk at (used to post, but my account accidently got deleted) The comments on the thread really struck me.
Now the popular opinon in the Deaf world is that we're not "disabled", we just use a Signed language instead of a spoken language. We don't sit around whining that we can't hear or wishing that we could hear or sinking money into research for a cure.
Yet, many disabilty rights activists don't wish they could walk, or talk, or see or whatever.
Doctors are scientists working with the often completely unknowable and making educated guesses. And their education is biased against any acceptance of disability.
The primary problems of physical disability for someone like me are not about the condition itself, but people's attitudes and judgments.
Disabilty rights activists see disabilty, NOT as "inabilty" but rather as a different way of doing something, like using a walker or a wheelchair instead of walking, or reading Braille instead of large print or using an ostomy instead of conventional methods of going to the bathroom, or whatever.
Other thoughts, comments?
To me, the word "disability" is a word seen by hearing people as incapable of doing something because they are "disabled" in some way. Now, some people still retain the belief that deafness is a big disability because it impairs the ability to communicate efficiently.

But the new opinion of deafness is the barrier that deaf people have to learn to overcome in order to achieve their goals, such as efficient communication and understanding skills. If I'm right, the old word for disability was handicapped but that was scrapped because it made deaf people seem as if they were unable to do ANYTHING. Does not disabled suggest the same? I would say that disability rights activists should change their names to special needs activists, because deaf people DO have special needs as interpreting and signing skilled teachers etc.
Disability, by definition, means:

"A disadvantage or deficiency, esp. a physical or mental impairment that impedes normal achievement."

Deafness is a disability as far as common verbal communication is concerned.

Right now we are looking at two different issues, hence, not on the same page. In our point of view, deafness can be rectified by means of devices or services that are readily available to the society that seeks transition between norms and the disabled.

In their point of view, "disability" is often generalized. If one thing is broken, then the product as whole is broken. Their perspective, uneducated, are very limited, therefore it is ADA's responsibility to educate, provide alternatives to bridge over disability, and to enforce the given law towards those corporations or services that aren't aware of how much talents that those disabled people could provide.

Now with these two perspective being on different page, we ought to forget our obsession of being "Discriminated", instead, change our point of view into that of norm and to expand their perspective on every detailed possible, thus developing a teamwork. With a solid teamwork, we will finally achieve a single page that opens up the opportunities for disabled to their desires, their dreams and comfort of their lives.
Deaf people do take offence if hearing people label them deaf or Hearing Impaired as they want to be label with big D.

They don't want to accept that deafness is a disability. I see them argue with hearing people that they are the same. Unfortunately, hearing people are much greater in number and a lot of the time don't think about the effects they have on other people. A lot try to help but are pushed away. Some keep trying.

Deaf is invisible disability in that when you are walking down the street I can't tell you are different.

Its a shame that some of the hearing people that try to help start to believe it is too hard.

Accept the help!!! Look at the "hearing" people that rip off the system, claim workcover etc when they don't deserve it.

When you are offered the help you deserve, accept it. (Some people will be embarrassed and don't want help, but everyone has to be happy with their life)

Most hearing people would be happy to help!!!
I do not feel "am I disability"

Don't think so.. Just Human Being.. as such I'm Deaf feel like more normally that way but other rest peoples thinks their own point view.. Oh yeah, You're Disability. Don't they see their own minds.. Gimme me a break!

I do not want take any take crap Doctor's theory...
Too Strong word "Disability" .. Tiny almost alikely offense anyone..

Doctor's head really totally "old fashioned" due used to be saying "Deaf-mute"

What makes you feel that way?

Oh please.. gimme break.

That really big issues about this.

Deaf people have lot hard work and confront and enforment purely education them more.. It's quite long way to go... by road.. ::::sigh:::
RedRum said:
Most hearing people would be happy to help!!!
I don't see the most hearing people be happy to help? The reason I am saying this because I have work with crow of hearing people and tend to chatting. What am I doing? Just working where I am standing. They don't tap me or let me know whats going on. Whenever the object or the assignment is not safe that I am not aware. The request is firing, ingore and not pay attention because we are "deaf" but define disability.

In other than that..

I still and still don't feel disabilty whom is deaf because sign language is communiate to use. For example, if the person is japan and couldn't speak in English. Its could be broken total communicate and automatically disabilty and will deaf people happy to help japan deaf or hearing person to transfer the language or figure themselve? Its what we should or be happy to help?

Only I feel that deaf is disabilty who is wheelchair, blind, and anything just like hearing people but no improve cochlear function for deaf to hear the sound.

I feel that education is the answer? Probably. Is that influence from the family, friends and social? Yes those one the influence into our social life around the evniment. Its depend where we learn; for example, my girlfriend learned from public school and been told that deaf can't do anything into her future. When she told me about this and really shocked because that what she learned through her high school year. Today, she realized that teacher was wrong.

So, hearing is ear with limited communication and deaf is eye with total communication.

Deaf should be more advantage than anything becase we can communicate and understand to learning. The hearing people seem to be limited because they are depend on sounds forever in their life until the sound stop. They might cried out loud and depend on the sounds. Deaf is depend on the light, if there are no light and we are doom because we cannot hear like blind vision.

So.. i feel that hearing people should extra caution from what they are label to us. Beside, the people who we are interesting to build the new life but hearing just rocking us like taking care of us that we didn't request. Its what I hate the most.
ok, myself a disbility and also deaf. I can walk with my cane and use wheelchair both depend where I go anyway
Deaf is not really full disbility but it part of disbility cuz they need a interpreter for Communcation Key. I mean I call Communcation Disbility ( no offence to make a inslut on Deaf)
that's what i try to explain.

CP, MD, Blind are all totally disbility for sure

I am concern myself double disbility.
It's true that diverse languages doesn't consider them as "disability", but different language in our own country? We don't provide translators and interpreters as much as we provide handicapped spot in the parking lot for mobile handicapped. If the fire alarm is provided for hearies, then they shouldn't have no problem in providing flashers for the deaf as much as they do for hearies.

However, disability to many is considered as a degraded vocabulary, because disability is mainly used in negative atmosphere in technical terms. They do not want to associate themselves to disability, however, they need to rectify their mentality, including myself. I recognize myself as a deaf individual and require that they adhere to ADA compliance in order for me to utilize my potientals to their work places. I view at disability as a fence for me to climb over to their property and to prove myself worthy to their expertise. That is something that I use as an entertainment that they awe irresistably to ignore.

"Disability" to me is a tool, a magic wand that catches their eyes. Instead of saying back in old days during Civil War "Damn those Torpedoes, full speed ahead!" -- do say "Damn those disabilities, full speed ahead!"