Do UK and USA d/Deaf people view Deaf issues and politics differently?


Active Member
Jun 30, 2006
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Hi Folks,

That is the question as stated in the title.
I am wondering how do deaf people from each opposite sides of the Altantic perceives issues relating to Deaf people rights.
Are they approached and advocated differently?
Have any of you been over to UK (from USA) and vice versa what did you noticed the most?
I would like to know
please reply to enlighten me on this one, further links would be great as well. Any replies will be much appreciated.

Thanks :)
Wish I could say! I grew up in Rochester, NY but I live in England now... but only recently did my hearing begin to flag so my interest wasn't keen. And now I'm not big into politics here since I can't vote. :(

Perhaps RNID's media centre would help? Media centre
hmmm, ok , but you dont HAVE to be involved but what have you noticed about how the differences of deaf people's concerns are, in between US and UK ?
I mean do US deaf people talk about rights for deaf people in a different way like do they rely on BDS (british deaf association) and what sort of interest like pushing for more VP or sign language interpreters or for more deaf people in clerical jobs or what?

im sure there's is some differences, only reason im asking is that I dont live in neither but there is a tendency in whatever these two countries hits a milestone in deaf rights politics or a movement of sorts or another, it usually influences other countries as well..... as for my country (NZ) we tend to have a very mixed influences from both that shapes our country and ultimately shapes our rights that we have.
Grummer I know of 1 person (personally) in the UK that is HOH (father-in-law) and that's it. I am really not yet invovled with the community and so I regret that I can't say.

But from what I can infer from "The Grapevine" is: very long delays on NHS. between 3 weeks and 18 months for a hearing aid(!). It took me 4 months to get an appointment for an audiogram and 6 months for a hearing therapist appointment.
Ok , thanks Doh, and i hope others poster might help too.
IM starving for that hard-to-find academic information or even some useful, more accurate signposts to that direction to do that comparing or at least so I know how to decribe it (which I am really hazy at this point)

many thanks again though