

New Member
Mar 11, 2003
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I been getting them a couple times. I think theres something wrong with my head. It all started last Sat when I went to pick up my aunt from work. I got dizzy for no reason. My eyes couldnt stay straight. I shook it off and it got better for a while. Then when I got home it got worse. I end up puking in the bathroom and went on the couch and I think I must of blacked out. Cant remember. Today it happend again when I was driving the company's dump truck. I stopped told one of the workers to take over. I took a rest under the tree in the shade. My mother thinks it could be low blood sugar. My cousin thinks it could be exhaustion. Some others think I smoked mj. I dont smoke.

Nearly a yr ago I was in the hospital for 3 days due to the bad ass headach. The pain was unbearable. They did the cat scan and found that my brain was swollen trying to crack thru my skull. The doctors did some test (so many damn needles) and found nothin. It must be a sign that it might come back again.

Im going to the doctor tmw. Hope theres nothin wrong with me.

What do you think it might be? Have you ever got dizzy before?
I do get periodic episodes when I get dizzy. I have blacked out, or nearly blacked out a few times. *looks at sheild* Both times that I can rememeber, I got up to go to the bathroom. I wacked my head on the toilet one time.
Ouch! I :dunno: :( Wish I have this magic wand to make it all go away and never come back. :|
Make sure they do a blood test and a blood pressure test. I had the same thing start happening to me about a year ago and it turns out I have insanely low blood pressure. Then, this past November, I started getting mood swings and I went to the doctor. he automatically assumed I was depressed and loaded me up with medication, when that didn't work i went back to the doctor and they gave me more medication and said I must be bi-polar. After that, I was interpreting and I started getting dizzy and everything was changing colors, I nearly passed out ON the guy I was interpreting for. I called my pharmacist and found out all the medication lowers blood pressure... not good when your blood pressure is abnormally low to begin with! So I went back to the doctor and it turns out that I'm hypo-glycemic (low blood sugar) and I have to regulate it by eating more often, not medication. Doctors suck. You have to tell them what to look for!
doc dont know unless u details EVERYthing then they will put u on the right type of medication. If u dont explain the right way, that what happen to most of u ..passed out for no reason and shit. I explain it right and turn out I have bipolar and now I have to see if I have ADD too. *sigh* ugh! damnit.
i've passed out few times its because i was eating junk foods and nothing else. I ate regular food and never happened. :D
just detail to ur doc and explain HOW it feels and what has been happening around u lately... MOST improtant!!
I hope you getting well soon Wolfboy. make sure you ask everything to know your medication is match on you ok alright !!
Originally posted by ShEiLdTaLiSmAn
doc dont know unless u details EVERYthing then they will put u on the right type of medication. If u dont explain the right way, that what happen to most of u ..passed out for no reason and shit. I explain it right and turn out I have bipolar and now I have to see if I have ADD too. *sigh* ugh! damnit.
Remember I told the doc last year...doc kinda explained to my why it happened. I totally forgot.
Originally posted by prostock19
I do get periodic episodes when I get dizzy. I have blacked out, or nearly blacked out a few times. *looks at sheild* Both times that I can rememeber, I got up to go to the bathroom. I wacked my head on the toilet one time.

I always wack my head on the toilet. Its how I knock the remaining drops off the tip.
I do have dizziness problem, also. That's related to Meniere's Disease. Have to cut down on salt and caffeine. plus execrise!!. something inside fluid connection to ears. Used alot of dizziness at first few years. Get used and cautious. About medication, really suck! make me sleepy. I notice some deafies have similiar problem. Ofc! lot of tinnintus (sp?).
Also I start having dizzy more more due of thyroid disorder. That's strange.
wolfboy, ur situtation is much different. You better see dr and find more deeply result. Wish u good luck.
oh be careful- go to the doctor!!! make sure it is nothing serious... just relax and have some ice tea ;) and think of me :)
Originally posted by Lasza
I do have dizziness problem, also. That's related to Meniere's Disease. Have to cut down on salt and caffeine. plus execrise!!. something inside fluid connection to ears. Used alot of dizziness at first few years. Get used and cautious. About medication, really suck! make me sleepy. I notice some deafies have similiar problem. Ofc! lot of tinnintus (sp?).
Also I start having dizzy more more due of thyroid disorder. That's strange.
wolfboy, ur situtation is much different. You better see dr and find more deeply result. Wish u good luck.

I have exact same problem like you have (thyroid disorder) and I also get vertigo every now and then. I had one yesterday and it was awful!

Stevey Boy - hope all is well with you and I just saw the other post that you were in the hospital. I hope you're okay? :grouphug: