Distortion in the FM program


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2012
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Has anyone had distortion in their FM program but not in their everyday program?

My everyday and FM program is set to the same level/setting but I find there is distortion in the FM program but not the everyday program, is this common?

Does anyone know the better way of getting rid of distortion? Is it to lower the low frequencies or to lower the volume over all inthe FM?

My low frequencies is set the same amount in the FM program as in the everyday program.

I've definitely noticed a lot of distortion and an increase in squealing and such. *shudder* Hate that thing, but its better with than without for lecture halls and the more advanced my courses get the fewer of them are in the big halls where I really need it.
The distortion is all to do with the new dynmatic FM receivers. They don't work well with maxed out hearing aids so you end up having to reduce the gain but then you can't hear anything. Another solution that has worked for people is increasing the speech in noise which most of the time means you can keep the gain at the same level.
I've had this. If you are using a wire like I do with my Smartlink, you need to replace the wire. It could also be moisture in the aid so I'd try a de-humidifier.

It could also be that you don't have the jack inserted all the way in the TV, computer, radio, etc.
I have none of those problems. It's been reported that the dynmatic FM don't like maxed out hearing aids as there is no where for the raised 16db level of speech to go. Raising the MPO also helps if there is room.

Dynmatic FM are better in noise as when it detects noise, its raises the speech line by 16db so you can hear better. Only problem is, you need an extra 18db of room in your aids for the distortion to not happen. Grr.
I have none of those problems. It's been reported that the dynmatic FM don't like maxed out hearing aids as there is no where for the raised 16db level of speech to go. Raising the MPO also helps if there is room.

Dynmatic FM are better in noise as when it detects noise, its raises the speech line by 16db so you can hear better. Only problem is, you need an extra 18db of room in your aids for the distortion to not happen. Grr.

Does this headroom issue also apply to the speech line using the Compilot? I have little headroom in the higher frequencies but not much. For my situation the FM helps by isolating the sound source from background sounds.

Does this headroom issue also apply to the speech line using the Compilot? I have little headroom in the higher frequencies but not much. For my situation the FM helps by isolating the sound source from background sounds.

My my understand using the FM thru the ComPilot uses the same 'program' as using the FM on the bottom of the aids so I would assume it would.

I have a flat loss myself but I guess it would be the same if you have a sloped loss.
If you get the FM receivers programmed to the same gain in each hearing aid via the FM SuccessWare software then the sound quality improves BIG TIME!

So many people don't get the gain within the FM receivers matched to their gain in the hearing aids so sound quality won't be as good as it can be :)

"A FM program including the users degree of hearing loss should make no different to FM as its the same microprocessor controlling everything."