Did anyone see...


New Member
Mar 23, 2003
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Did anyone see this movie, Pirates of the Carribean? What did you think of it? Like it? I haven't seen it yet.. so I'm curious what you all think of it.
i saw it.. it's good movie... but some creepy looks.. like blood, skull.. but it's good movie i liked it
I loved it!!!!!!! It's very good at the cinema........ heck, print up the subtitles online at www.subtitles.cz (free to download) and take a little red flashlight with you.

Blood, skulls? eh? I wasn't creeped out by anything in the movie. I must say it is very graphic with showing skeletons (curse of the black pearl, which is a "haunted" ship with a skeleton crew.. literally!) plenty of good action and humor...
it doesn't creep me out but i just say it cuz it's creepy for young kids..
i like it. but there is no subtitle or cc on special features. :mad:
weekend said:
i like it. but there is no subtitle or cc on special features. :mad:

i know... sucks.. all movies are like that with no subtitle and CC on speical features? i notice it is.. i didn't see any one movie have one..
DeafSCUBA98 said:
i know... sucks.. all movies are like that with no subtitle and CC on speical features? i notice it is.. i didn't see any one movie have one..

Lord of Ring: Two Tower's special features have CC.

Finding Nemo's special features have subtitle.

X-Men 2 - no

Bruce Almightly - no

Indiana Jones - YES!!!! All in CC

T3 - :ugh: French subtitle?! :crazy:
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I never see that movie before so I think I should have a lot of rent a movie in jan 2004.