I cannot understand why it's such a big deal visiting the dentist. It has never bothered me at all. Looking after one's teeth is extremely important to avoid further treatments to them.
My eldest daughter has been a dental nurse for 12 years and she loves it.
Mod's Note
Thread's been merged since it contains the same subject as it is related to dental health, so and on.
People have to realize that if they don't floss between their teeth, it's like a garbage dumpster in between the teeth with foods rottin' in there, I know some people that don't floss it, and you can smell their horrible breath, some smelled like a garbage disposal, some smelled like a rotten dead corpse, it's really disgustin' smells, eew...
I've told people how can you sleeps with a dirty mouth at bed time, I let them know that when they don't floss to get the foods out, it smelled like a landfilled, gross.
I really don't know why people don't like to brush their teeth and floss their teeth, it's unhealthy.
Well some people floss and brush their teeth on a regular basis but still get cavities- like me, for example. I have 5 cavities (yes! 5!) and I'm so pissed...I'm like, I brush, brush, brush and floss, floss, floss..the dentist said it is probably genetic. He said I have gorgeous teeth and could tell that I took good care of them. HMPH. I'm supposed to go and get fillings...but I'm so scared. Maybe I should get drunk first and then go to the dentist.