Denied extra time for exams


New Member
Apr 20, 2012
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Firstly, I have hearing loss to the degree of about 53% loss in each ear.

I'm due to take exams next week and I was informed on Friday morning (3 days before my exams start!!) that my request for extra time in the exams was rejected. The reason given was that as the exams are written and reading, not oral or speech, I'm not considered to be at a disadvantage. The other reason given was that I am unable to produce a certificate (the exact word used) to prove my hearing loss. This was the first I'd heard of even needing a certificate.

What do I do? I've trawled the Internet for advice and help but haven't found much. Are they allowed to do this? When I took my GCSE's I needed the extra time on almost every exam.

Hmmmm..I've never heard of any students needing extra time to take written exams...even when I was at RIT.....and I am profoundly deaf.

Based on your writing above, you seem literate, 53% is practically lightweight HOH..(and being deaf/HOH is absolutely no excuse for taking a written exam, IMHO) why do you need extra time to take an exam?

As for a 'certificate', if you are actually serious, the instructors are most likely asking for proof that you need special assistance to take exams. I would expect that for oral exams, but not written.
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

For Disability services I had to provide an audiogram to be approved for DHH services. This is a standard requirement at all colleges & univeristies I've ever heard of.

For extra time on a written exam - why do you need the time? Do you have other issues aside from being hoh? If so, that needs to be filed with Disability Services at the beginning of the course, stating that becuase of a learning disability or a physical challege impacting writing/typing you require additional time. You do need to have a Dr note stating that you have been assessed for and have *condition x* which may/does require additional time for exams, papers, note takers, etc.

In itself, Hoh/Deaf have no reason to get extra time for written exams - the exception to this would be if in addition to being hoh/deaf you also had proven language comprehension issues etc.

Again, all this needed to be addressed at the beginning of your courses, not 3 days before your exams. That being said, if you do have a legitimate medicial diagnosed by a dr or through disability services testing, then you'd have to get a medical waiver immediately and notify disabilty services right away.
Extra time for exams is usually given for students with ADHD/ADD and is not usually related to hearing disabilities students might have.

Firstly, I have hearing loss to the degree of about 53% loss in each ear.

I'm due to take exams next week and I was informed on Friday morning (3 days before my exams start!!) that my request for extra time in the exams was rejected. The reason given was that as the exams are written and reading, not oral or speech, I'm not considered to be at a disadvantage. The other reason given was that I am unable to produce a certificate (the exact word used) to prove my hearing loss. This was the first I'd heard of even needing a certificate.

What do I do? I've trawled the Internet for advice and help but haven't found much. Are they allowed to do this? When I took my GCSE's I needed the extra time on almost every exam.


don't be a slacker or cheater. just study hard and take exam just like everybody else. deafness is not a valid excuse for extra time unless you have a learning disability.
USPS gave deaf applicants the extra time for written exam and deaf workers for study/training. But at colleges, deaf students don't get extra times.
The only other reason for extra time that I can think of is if you're using a terp to translate the questions. But that would all be covered by your accommodations letter that is issued by the disabilities office at the beginning of the semester. Without that, the instructors can't just give you extra time. They need the documentation from the disabilities office, which in turn needs documentation of your deafness or other issues.
The only other reason for extra time that I can think of is if you're using a terp to translate the questions. But that would all be covered by your accommodations letter that is issued by the disabilities office at the beginning of the semester. Without that, the instructors can't just give you extra time. They need the documentation from the disabilities office, which in turn needs documentation of your deafness or other issues.
While taking a written exam at college, we can't ask an instructor every time we don't understand a question on the paper. It would be unfair for hearing students who can't ask while deaf students can with a terp present during the exam. If one doesn't understand the question, he/she has to skip it. It's the students' (deaf or hearing) responsibility to study before the exam. That's what colleges are all about.

I am sure that students with another kind of disabliity such as Cerebral palsy get extra times.
While taking a written exam at college, we can't ask an instructor every time we don't understand a question on the paper. It would be unfair for hearing students who can't ask while deaf students can with a terp present during the exam. If one doesn't understand the question, he/she has to skip it. It's the students' (deaf or hearing) responsibility to study before the exam. That's what colleges are all about.

I am sure that students with another kind of disabliity such as Cerebral palsy get extra times.
I've worked as a college interpreter for over 12 years, so I know what I'm talking about.

If the student disabilities department has sent an accommodations letter to the instructor that lists extra exam time as a requirement, then the instructor must follow that. If there is no accommodation for extra time listed, then the instructor cannot allow extra time.
I was given extra time with exam due to LD and usher syndrome because it took almost 3 hours for me to finish the math exam at community college.

I was given extra time with exam at Gallaudet University as well but rarely to finish beyond 1 hour.
I've worked as a college interpreter for over 12 years, so I know what I'm talking about.

If the student disabilities department has sent an accommodations letter to the instructor that lists extra exam time as a requirement, then the instructor must follow that. If there is no accommodation for extra time listed, then the instructor cannot allow extra time.

That's correct.

Firstly, I have hearing loss to the degree of about 53% loss in each ear.

I'm due to take exams next week and I was informed on Friday morning (3 days before my exams start!!) that my request for extra time in the exams was rejected. The reason given was that as the exams are written and reading, not oral or speech, I'm not considered to be at a disadvantage. The other reason given was that I am unable to produce a certificate (the exact word used) to prove my hearing loss. This was the first I'd heard of even needing a certificate.

What do I do? I've trawled the Internet for advice and help but haven't found much. Are they allowed to do this? When I took my GCSE's I needed the extra time on almost every exam.


First of all, no audiologist would tell you that you re 53% deaf, they would tell you in decibels. also, because it is written, I do not see why you would need the extra time on an exam, unless you had other issues going on as well. I have had times, when I wasn't on grade level for my English that my questions were signed to me, then I wrote them, the reading portioned were signed and I wrote them... but that generally doesn't take that much more time.
I don't know why are you coming this form and asking us this question. Remember reach college has disability dept. They are allow to extra time for student with disability who is deaf on various part. I can't decide what subject, because it never happen to me but one time. I was granted because one of my classmate who also Deaf. I do not know what the story is but afterall I heard that person GOT F. I don't see what the point to have extra time.... I was like wow... 4 question.. for 30 minutes while rest student 15 minutes... PLENTY... it took me 5 minutes and aces on it...

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