Ah, this must be so exciting for you as the time is coming to a near soon end and starting with a new beginning. Are you getting nervous and wondering how the delivery will go? Don't worry - It is normal to feel nervous about it.
When I gave birth to my oldest son, it was the easiest thing I've done because the doctor had "supposedly" put too much epidural on me and I wasn't even able to feel anything at all below the chest. I was induced with pitocin because my son was 5 days over due. The labor was progressed for 8 hours and as for the pushing part, it did take me like, about 45 mins to push. Since I was already on the epidural and had too much of it, I couldn't figure out when it was time to push. I had to figure out the timing of the rhythm and went with the flow. If you have some bowel movements coming out at the same time while you push, don't be alarmed. It is normal for it to happen.
Whereas with my 2nd son, Everything was totally different. Again, this was also 5 days overdue. I was supposed to have an induction planned for the day after Christmas but this baby didn't want to stay inside any more longer.
Anyway, the night before it happened, my lower back was starting to hurt me. Every time, my bladder was full, the pain was starting to increase and when my bladder was emptied, it went away. So I didn't really give it a thought and thought it was just part of being pregnant. I didn't sleep good on that night and when morning came, my ex husband went over to his parent's house to use their telephone to call the doctor (we didn't have a phone hooked up at that time) and the doctor said for me to come in to get myself checked. By the time I arrived at the hospital, the doctor checked me and said I was 5 cm dilated already and my contractions was starting to graduate. They had me on the epidural and guess what? The epidural did not even work for me at all because I was still able to feel every thing. It was bad enough that they put the epidural on me twice. It still didn't work at all. So, the doctor prescribed the drug - Demerol. Demerol did help somewhat but it made me so sleepy. I had every urge to push and push because the contraction was getting closer. The labor took 7 hours but only took me 15 minutes to push the baby out.
I'd just advise you to go with the flow, relax and make the best of it as much as you can. Most importantly, Make yourself comfortable. Oh, I'd suggest you to bring a chapstick or a lip balm to keep your lip moist because your lip could get dry during the labor. Ice chips are helpful too because you can't drink or eat anything during the labor. You will be experiencing some chills as well, so wear some thick, warm, comfy socks as well. Of course, cameras/camcorders shouldn't be forgotten as well. I wish you the best and good luck! This must be so exciting.
By the way, Sorry for the long assed reply