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We're talking about Cooper not Obama. Cooper didn't expose anything. The guy rarely left his house how do you think he could investigate all the things you just listed?

Here is a great quote from Cooper that never came to be

"The       spacecraft called Galileo is on its way to Jupiter, a baby star with a       gaseous makeup exactly the same as our sun, with a load of 49.7 pounds of       plutonium, supposedly being used as batteries to power the craft. When its       final orbit decays in December 1999, Galileo will deliver its payload into       the center of Jupiter. The unbelievable pressure that will be encountered       will cause a reaction exactly as occurs when an atomic bomb is exploded by       an implosion detonator. The plutonium will explode in an atomic reaction,       lighting the hydrogen and helium atmosphere of Jupiter and resulting in       the birth of the star that has already been named Lucifer. The world will       interpret it as a sign of tremendous religious significance. It will       fulfill prophecy. In reality it is only a demonstration of the insane       application of technology by the  JASON Society which may or may not even       work. They have practiced overkill to ensure success, however, as the       documents that I read while in Naval Intelligence stated that Project       GALILEO required only five pounds of plutonium to ignite Jupiter and       possibly stave off the coming ice age."
