Dear undecisivegurl


King of all I see
Premium Member
Feb 28, 2003
Reaction score
Please make a DAMN decision!
undecisivegurl said:
I dont really know what your talking about... Make a decision about what??????

about anything, your undecisive and I want you to make a decision
yea, hilarious.. GOD, its just my screen name... i made it up! I did it because i needed a name, not to make fun of..
undecisivegurl said:
yea, hilarious.. GOD, its just my screen name... i made it up! I did it because i needed a name, not to make fun of..

would you like me to give you a new name?
god, NOOO!! I like this name as it is... i dont hear other people complaining about it... Im perfectly happy with it... Ive had it for ages and I plan to have it longer...
undecisivegurl said:
god, NOOO!! I like this name as it is... i dont hear other people complaining about it... Im perfectly happy with it... Ive had it for ages and I plan to have it longer...

Just in case you change your mind I came up with this one

" IReallyShoudBeDoingMyHomework "

what do you think?
I dont like it at all! Besides I dont need any help from you, and Ive done all my homework, thanks..
undecisivegurl said:
I dont like it at all! Besides I dont need any help from you, and Ive done all my homework, thanks..

Oh Really!! well I am going to call your mom tonight and make sure it is done
Don't listen to BBNT. He is a joker of this forum. :slap: be nice, BBNT!
:rofl: Good one Oddball since you whack BBNT's head and told him be nice, I think that he is just curious abt that
wow im glad theres people that are on my side.. bbnt whatever his name is being an idiot anyways.. Thanks blkgal for that comment about my sn... what the heck is a screen name is bbnt anyway? duhhhh? :P

When I was new in one of the forum and Bbnt made a thread about Cheri and I ...and we thought he was mocking at us because we did not know him very well...but it was a JOKE , even thru we didn't know he was joking...Bbnt is a sweet guy once you get to know him...He jokes around with everyone I mean EVERYONE!....He loves to tease us all.....believe me it wasn't personal or making you feel insult or anything....Bbnt be nice ! :slap:

by the way I love your sn...its cool!
:crazy: Ohh, so its some kind of newcomer thing that he does... well ill be careful because you could scare off some new members if you do that... jeez... bbnt whatever his name is reminds me a lot of a guy friend... whatever.. ill just deal...
undecisivegurl said:
:crazy: Ohh, so its some kind of newcomer thing that he does... well ill be careful because you could scare off some new members if you do that... jeez... bbnt whatever his name is reminds me a lot of a guy friend... whatever.. ill just deal...

you have friends?