deal with best friend while you have lover


Active Member
Mar 12, 2007
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I find it confuse.

Usually, boy and girl are married and each are cool when he or she hang out with HIS best friend or HER best friend.

However, if HIS best friend is female and/or HER best friend is male. At the most of time, their wife or husband would feel bother for him/her to hang out with opposite sex.

That make me think... even after there is legal same-sex marriage. How would he/he or she/she feel about it when he go with his male best friend or she go with her female best friend? Since both are closer. :aw:

Suppose, they had to deal with trust issues, eh?
And I think probably worst (maybe not that worst) part that if both are bi-sexual and decide to cheat with their lover over their BFF? Twisted!!!
I have absolutely ZERO problem with girlfriend/wife hanging out with male friends. I used to be very jealous and distrustful long long time ago. Typical of Scorpio :o

But I got over it and I live a simple life with less drama. All my past relationships were fine (with some up and down) and we ended it amicably and still remain very good friends. During relationship - I had no problem with her hanging out with whoever she wants... even ex-boyfriend.

If there's a trust issue - then why bother being in relationship with this person? That's what happened to my previous relationship. She got very upset about me going on motorcycle trip with my college female friend and sleeping in same hotel room but 2 beds to save $$$$ so I didn't like that. I simply gave her a choice to either trust me or not.

oh well. nobody's at fault here. it's just the way it is.
I gotta agree with jiro. If you have to worry about trust then something is wrong. Not to say that you should totally trust your spouse, its good to be aware so you can clear out the bank accounts before the cheating spouse does
I have absolutely ZERO problem with girlfriend/wife hanging out with male friends. I used to be very jealous and distrustful long long time ago. Typical of Scorpio :o

But I got over it and I live a simple life with less drama. All my past relationships were fine (with some up and down) and we ended it amicably and still remain very good friends. During relationship - I had no problem with her hanging out with whoever she wants... even ex-boyfriend.

If there's a trust issue - then why bother being in relationship with this person? That's what happened to my previous relationship. She got very upset about me going on motorcycle trip with my college female friend and sleeping in same hotel room but 2 beds to save $$$$ so I didn't like that. I simply gave her a choice to either trust me or not.

oh well. nobody's at fault here. it's just the way it is.

I'm a Scorpio myself, sort of the little "suspicious" one...but all aside of that....I learned long time ago, if he/she is gonna cheat on you, they will, regardless.....
BUT I'd draw the line if my b/f or hubby went on a motorcycle trip together with his female friend, and shared the SAME HOTEL ROOM!....That's overkill....pushing the trust issue to the I disagree w/you on that!