DeafNation Expo, Atlanta,GA


Premium Member
Dec 8, 2003
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who is going?? I am going with my friends
I'll probably go to the DeafNation Expo in College Park (South Atlanta). I'll have to wait and see if something else comes up.

Just thought I'd post this that there will be deaf people from Tennessee and other states staying at the KOA location in Cartersville, GA (about 30 minutes drive from Atlanta/Marietta). For more info: go to - I was told that anyone are welcomed to stop by to visit with other deaf people there at the KOA site.
I think I will go to Atlanta for the DeafNation Expo. Will decide soon whether to go or not. Only hope that I can go. I was there last year.
web730 said:
I think I will go to Atlanta for the DeafNation Expo. Will decide soon whether to go or not. Only hope that I can go. I was there last year.

was it fun last year?? it will be my first this year..
Last 2 weeks ago my friends and I went to Deaf Expo at Austin, TX. Very interesting there! Finally! I was first time my life there. Last year and few yrs ago I planned go Deaf Expo so failed many times.
RebelGirl said:
was it fun last year?? it will be my first this year..

Really, I was an exhibitor there last year. I went to Orlando DeafNation Expo not as an exhibitor and really had a fun time. So it should be interesting and fun for you as a first timer for sure. Thousands of deafies go there. Enjoy it!